Questions tagged [multiple-repositories]

65 questions
2 answers

Multiple maven repositories in one gradle file

So my problem is how to add multiple maven repositories to one gradle file. This DOESN’T work: repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url "" url "" } }
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4 answers

How do I work with a git repository within another repository?

I have a Git media repository where I'm keeping all of my JavaScript and CSS master files and scripts that I'll use on various projects. If I create a new project that's in its own Git repository, how do I use JavaScript files from my media…
Brent O'Connor
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22 answers

Managing many git repositories

Setting up a project is easy in git and so I can have separate repository even for small script. Now the problem is how to manage them. I work in multiple places with these repositories. When I have done changes to some repository, I want to be able…
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Is it possible to manage multiple repositories coherently?

I have a collection of git repositories that are independently versioned but related to one another. For example, when adding a feature I may have to add functionality to a shared library, and then extend an application or service to take advantage…
Justin ᚅᚔᚈᚄᚒᚔ
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How to get GitKraken feature working - "Use local SSH agent"

In brief What is the proper way to set SSH keys in GitKraken to work with different git github/bitbucket repos? Full details The feature is snapshot as below in GitKraken preference. When I check Use local SSH agent, git pull/push/... commands stop…
Nam G VU
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How to manage multiple similar but different projects with git?

I have multiple different closed source projects based on a similar code base and every single day I need to copy changes and fixes from one to another and back. As some of my projects are diverged too much to use git submodules and in others I…
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Jenkins: load Jenkinsfile from another repository than the repository I want to build

So I'm thinking about this setup but I'm not even sure if it's possible. I work in a larger organization and we want to perform static code analysis and unit tests on various projects. These projects are all modules that follow the same pattern, so…
3 answers

Real World ASP.NET MVC Repositories

In the real world, Controllers can potentially need to use data from a variety of database tables and other data stores. For example: [Authorize] public class MembersController : Controller { ICourseRepository repCourse; …
2 answers

How do I "mount" one github repository as a subfolder of another repository?

I have a github repository named "foo" (or rather "myusername/foo"). Now suppose I want to create a repository named "bar", which uses the code in foo; I could just make a copy of the files, but I don't want to need to pull updates - I want to…
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1 answer

Using git flow with git subtree

I just migrated a large svn repo to git and started using gitflow. It worked like a charm but now I'm thinking about splitting that big repo into a number of smaller ones. Let's supposse the repo directory tree is as follows: /repo - libs -…
1 answer

How can I setup my .git/config to be able to push to / pull from multiple remote repositories?

Ok, I have three different computers that I work from and right now their configurations are all different so I have to push/pull a certain on each and its very bothersome. What I want to do is have ONE config file that I can use for all three that…
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3 answers

Git Version Control - Views on Repositories?

I have a repositories, i want to have two "views": Developers can see the whole thing and customers should only see certain (tagged, or marked in another way) branches. I thought about making two repsoitories A and B and than list all not needed…
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Is it a good practice to use organizations as folders?

I've seen on this question that Github organizations were a solution for "regrouping" repositories, as files in a folder. But while I was reading Github organizations documentation, it appears that organizations were designed to represent a…
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Managing GIT permissions - multiple repositories

We have several development teams, each of which develop multiple projects (10+ usually). We are currently in CVS and evaluating whether to move to SVN or GIT. I am leaning towards GIT, however I am not sure how we can manage the permissions…
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3 answers

multiple git repositories cloned into the same directory

I've got a standard repository for my project /home/repo/.git this is the repository i clone to get the base code for new websites i.e. i cloned this to /var/www/site1 i also have several modules that i've created as repositories, some…
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