Questions tagged [multiple-projects]

Questions about the difficulties that can be faced while working on several projects at the same time.

Questions about the difficulties that can be faced while working on several projects at the same time. This can be for example:

  • how to share evolving code between projects
  • how to split / merge projects
  • how to handle several projects in a IDE
140 questions
2 answers

Gradle add nested subproject from a multi-module project as dependency of another subproject

I have a complex, but interesting situation. This is a tree diagram of my folder structure: root |___ settings.gradle |___ p1 |___ p2 // depends on p3/sp1 |___ p3 |____|___sp1 |____|___sp2 I hope that explains the situation. Now how would I add…
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6 answers

I am using multiple firebase projects in an Android App. I am getting this error : Missing google_app_id. Firebase Analytics disabled

I have added following code to initialise there projects. FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder() .setApplicationId("1:129574837465:android:0123456773a52cf4f6") // Required for Analytics. …
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3 answers

cmake: setup multiple projects and dependiencies between them

I need help with write a good CMakeLists.txt for a C++ projects. I looked for answer, but I found anything. This is Structure of my projects: MainProj | ProjLib/ | | include/ | | | proj_lib.h | | src/ | | | | | …
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7 answers

Android Activity under Eclipse/ADT with Project Dependencies (Failed resolving XY)

I tried to keep a game project quite platform independent so I split it up into three projects from low-level to top android specific level like that: engine, game, android game. The involved classes/interfaces in the error are those: (low level)…
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1 answer

SelfHosted AspNet WebAPI With Controller Classes In Different Project

I have created a SelfHosted AspNet WebAPI with Visual Studio 2012 (.NET Framework 4.5). I enabled SSL for the WebAPI. It works fine when the controller is defined in the same project. But when I add a reference of another project, containing…
3 answers

How to use functions from different C++ projects in Visual Studio 2010?

I would like to build two C++ projects in the same solution in Visual Studio 2010 that can interact with each other. I have created a solution under directory C:\Users\me\Desktop\SolutionDir. The two projects have been created respectively under…
3 answers

How to copy multiple projects into single folder in eclipse

I have two projects, Project1 and Project2. Now i want to copy this projects into eclipse workspace but i want these projects to be in a single folder like below. Eclipse Workspace -> Project -> Project1, Project2 i.e Project1 and Project2 should be…
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2 answers

How do I "mount" one github repository as a subfolder of another repository?

I have a github repository named "foo" (or rather "myusername/foo"). Now suppose I want to create a repository named "bar", which uses the code in foo; I could just make a copy of the files, but I don't want to need to pull updates - I want to…
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2 answers

Sharing Json Schema files among projects with versioning

Problem We have a few independent projects (micro-services) that at some point in their life will refer to some JSON schema files, needles to say that each project has its own programming stack (mostly Nodejs and Golang though). What are the best…
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1 answer

Java reflection loss of annotation information

I'm having an issue with reflection. I decided I wanted to create a SQL Query Generator using reflection. I created my own annotations to determine what classes can be used, what attributes can be stored ect. The code works as I want it to, however…
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4 answers

How do I fork multiple projects into one repository with git?

I have a 3 projects I'd like to fork. They're all related to each other - changing one will likely require a change to another. Because they're all related, I'd like to create 1 repository for the forks, while maintaining the ability to pull down…
Dane O'Connor
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7 answers

Multiple applications in single solution

I believe this is possible but unsure how to go around it, I need to create a server/client solution, normally I would create a new solution for the server and a new one for the client however I am looking to do this within a single solution as…
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1 answer

Android: using resources from another project in my workspace

I am fairly new to Android development - coming from a WPF background. I have created two Android projects in my "workspace" in Eclipse. One is called "TestProject", and the other called "TestLibraryProject". Inside of "TestLibraryProject" I have…
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2 answers

adding reference of separated project to more than 50 projects - Visual Studio 2010

We had to separate a class library from core library project. And now, we should add the reference of the new project to the other 50 or something projects in a solution, which is ASP.NET MVC solution if it matters. Is there any way to automate this…
Tae-Sung Shin
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1 answer

Updating Python interpreter in multiple projects at the same time

Using PyCharm, it's possible to have multiple projects in the same window / environment. Each project has its own interpreter configuration in the Project > Python Interpreter section. Is there an easy way to switch all projects to the same…
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