Questions tagged [unfuddle]

Questions about Unfuddle, commercial project hosting provider.

Unfuddle provides source control, issue tracking, simple planning, wiki and storage for projects. Pay-per-month (with a limited free option), available for commercial projects.

36 questions
4 answers

How can I choose to overwrite remote repository with local commits?

Basically, due to events beyond my control, my remote repo was moved - I did a lot of work on my local copy in the meantime and now I really just want to overwrite everything in the remote repo with my local files. However, I don't seem to be able…
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5 answers

Creating a SSH key with ssh-keygen does not create the .ssh folder

I am trying to create my public/private rsa key pair with msysgit I run this command: ssh-keygen -C "" -t rsa Everything looks fine, I have the message Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/user/.ssh/id_rsa) Then I have the…
Charles Ouellet
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4 answers

Is Unfuddle reliable?

I am in need of an online project management tool that includes SVN hosting as my team of developers are all remote. I stumbled on a site called Unfuddle and have read decent reviews so far. I am very protective of my code and want to make sure I…
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3 answers

Which is a good Continuous Integration Solution (e.g. hosting provider?

I have a private .NET (C#) project using Git Repository in I wish to utilize a hosted Continuous Integration tool like CruiseControl.Net. Can anybody recommend a hosted CI solution, that can integrate with Git and is reliable and cost…
Ajit Singh
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1 answer

How can I setup my .git/config to be able to push to / pull from multiple remote repositories?

Ok, I have three different computers that I work from and right now their configurations are all different so I have to push/pull a certain on each and its very bothersome. What I want to do is have ONE config file that I can use for all three that…
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3 answers

Git clone issue, clone fails with "Corrupted MAC on input"

I am trying to set up a new dev machine and I am not able to clone any repos. remote: Counting objects: 99504, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22812/22812), done. Corrupted MAC on input. (93674/99504), 169.15 MiB | 3.06 MiB/s …
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3 answers

How to copy a repository from Unfuddle to a local SVN server?

I currently have a couple of SVN repositories hosted at Unfuddle and I'd like to have a local copy of the repositories as a backup. Ideally, it would be a "live" backup so my local repository would "ping" the remote repository, and if any changes…
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2 answers

Is it possible to connect Github to Unfuddle to use powerful commit messages?

My team is using Github for code hosting and Unfuddle for ticketing. Is it possible to connect Github to Unfuddle so that we are able to update/close tickets from our commit messages?
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1 answer

git-svn fails to commit back to svn repo despite clean rebase

I've been using git-svn for what feels like years now without any issues. My typical workflow is work, commit, ..., work, commit, rebase, dcommit All of a sudden I started getting this error today: $ git svn rebase Current branch master is up to…
Adam Tuttle
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1 answer

Centralized GIT workflow/deployment - Repository Initialization and Feature Branches

OK, I just want to check the workflow of my GIT setup is correct and I understand it fully before I begin to use it properly. I'm following this workflow and this topic is just going to start with the initialization and creating feature branches…
Derek Carlisle
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2 answers

When cloning and fetching from Unfuddle, I only get the master, how can I get the branches?

I follow the instructions on unfuddle exactly and no matter what I only can the master back. Pushing branches works fine, but not fetching. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks.
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1 answer

Unfuddle svn access behind a proxy

I am using unfuddle to host some private projects, unfuddle is an excellent solution to being able to update and modify my sources through SVN anytime and when I feel like to even when I’m not home. The problem is at work we are behind a mandatory…
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1 answer

How to remove a versioned file retroactively in git/TortoiseGit?

Possible Duplicate: git - remove file from the repository I just realised that my binaries have been version-controlled since I started my git repository, which has resulted in a .git of 10MB -- way too large for 40 revisions of a small…
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1 answer

How many lines of code have been committed to my SVN repository?

How could I check how many lines of code have been committed to my SVN repository across all commits?
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4 answers

IDE, SVN and pushing to sites!

Im thinking of updating my practices, and looking for a little help and advice! I do a lot of work on sites that run joomla, oscommerce, drupal etc and so I have created a lot of custom components/plugins and hacks etc. Currently each site has its…
Paul M
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