Questions tagged [ms-access-2000]

Microsoft Access 2000 is an older version of Microsoft's entry-level, SQL, database application platform.


88 questions
0 answers

Access database acting randomly and inconsistently after being updated with OLEDB c#

So I am having a very weird issue, At first my code to insert items into my access database stopped working, it is a simple code like this: using (OleDbConnection myCon = new OleDbConnection()) { OleDbCommand cmd = new…
Zaid Al Shattle
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ADE extension associated with Microsoft Access 2016

We (still) have an Microsoft Access 2000 application, installed at our customers as an ADE-file (compiled from ADP). It runs in the Microsoft Access 2000 runtime. However, every now and then the ADE-files are associated with Microsoft Access 2016,…
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1 answer

How do I connect to ms access database using sql management tool or any other tool?

I am new to ms access database and I am using ms access 2000. From the insert query menu from ms access, I cannot directly use sql queries command e.g select * from table; I have microsoft sql database management tool but not sure how to connect…
Thomas Koh
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Saving data to DB2 table trough Access 2000?

I have this insert query INSERT INTO MY_DB_MY_LINKED_TABLE (FIELD1, FIELD2, FIELD3, FIELD4, TIMETOENTER) values ('Sometext', '2018', '1234567', '20/11/17', 3) Field1 - Text, Field2 - Text, Field3 - Text, Field4 - Date/Time, TIMETOENTER -…
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Use database with linked tables in Access 2000 or use the ADODB.RecordSet - Which is better?

I am reworking old VB6 apps into VB.NET with Visual Studio 2005 and all of them suffer from the same problems. One of those is, access the DB2 database by using an Access 2000 file which has links to the tables and second approach is, using…
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MS Access 2000 (*mdb) default value of Now() sometimes fails?

Is there a known failure mode of a MS Access 2000 database, when data is refused (or silently discarded, which is worse) to be inserted into a table containing a Date/Time type of field with default value of =Now() ? The date/time field in question…
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1 answer

summing values from one table into another table

I'm an SQL newbie using VB6/Access 2000 and am trying to get a query which puts the sum of values from a table into another table. VB6 does the job, but it's so slow. I searched and tried in Access many times, just got lost with keywords IN, ON,…
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1 answer

How to select a range in SQL (access) that consists of 2 letters and numbers (upto 256)

I have a column in my table called 'regnr' the values are two letters (if it reaches zz it will add a letter and start at aaa) followed by numbers 1-256. I have to find a range in this column lets say "ba50" to "bc28" I tried using WHERE 'regnr'…
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3 answers

Fill a Number field with Auto Increment values in MS ACCESS

I have a Access Table with following structure: INO IDATE NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE CONTACT & Other Fields..... 1430 01-Apr-15 1431 01-Apr-15 1432 01-Apr-15 1435 01-Apr-15 1436 01-Apr-15 1440 01-Apr-15 1441 01-Apr-15 1448 01-Apr-15…
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PHP / MS Access encoding issue with German characters

Can't figure out the reason for German characters do not display properly in MS Access 2000, when they are INSERTED from PHP (because if I insert german character directly from ms access interface - it is all good). Using PDO, PHP 5.6. Tried to…
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1 answer

Converting Access 2.0 to Access 95 Constant Crash

I've been given the inglorious task of converting a Access 2.0 database to work on Access 2010... I have a copy of Access 95 to help make the jump (I can't find a copy of Access 97). I also have Access 2000, 2007 and 2013. I'm doing this on an XP…
1 answer

How to turn off auto changing of words in reports like Height, Width and Count in Access 2000

For a (old) project I created a report in Access 2000. In this report I wanted to create a field that multiplies 3 table fields values, namely: Aantal, Hoogte and Breedte. So I put it in my text field the following: =[Hoogte] * [Breedte] *…
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DAO Connection throws ISAM Error

I can connect to an access database via ADO w/o issue, but if I attempt to connect using a DAO connection it throws the error of Could not find installable ISAM I am using VS2013 and it is communicating with Access 2000. This is the syntax I am…
1 answer

how to create a Microsoft Access query that provides a default transaction type for those transactions not categorized?

How could I create a query that provides a default transaction type for those transactions not categorized? So assuming I have: Transactions table (with transactions) Categories table transactions_categories table - allows to allocate multiple…
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0 answers

Access Populating Date for Null Date

I have a terminationDate field and obviously it will be null for some records, however access is putting in 1899/12/31 for the null records? Below is my query FormattedDate: Format([terminationDate], "yyyy/mm/dd")