Questions tagged [ms-access-2000]

Microsoft Access 2000 is an older version of Microsoft's entry-level, SQL, database application platform.


88 questions
1 answer

CurrentProject.OpenConnection Fails in MS Access 2000

I support a LOB application written in MS Access VBA with a SQL Server back end. One feature of the application is the ability to open a second instance of the application, allowing the users to view/modify two records at the same time. The first…
Steven Ball
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Opening a Non-Password-Protected Access 2000 Database that Asks for a Username and Password

I'm trying to open a Microsoft Access 2000 .MDB file to migrate it, as it is currently being used by somebody's ten-year-old VB app that's fallen by the way side on an NT server and whose author is long gone. Back in September I copied the MDB file…
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Error messages when converting access 2000 to access 97

When using access 2003 to convert an access 2000 database to access 97 I get the following 2 error messages right after the other 'invalid argument' 'Some errors happened during the conversion. No converted database was generated.' Other than this…
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4 answers

Send Raw Data to ZPL Printer using Visual Basic (MS Access 2000)

This is all that I can find, none of them work. Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Type DOCINFO pDocName As String pOutputFile As String pDatatype As String End Type Private Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib…
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How to set a default value in an Access 2000 combobox

I have an Access 2000 form that contains a combobox. The combobox is bound to a field in a table. When the value in the table is null, I want to set a default value on combobox without making the record dirty. Setting defaultValue does not work…
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3 answers

Access 2000: decimal to hour and minutes

In my SQL query in Access 2000, I have a field containing numbers like: 0,15 1,30 1 0,50 Where x, is the hour, and ,xx is the minutes. I need to convert this field into a DateTime (or the Access equivalent) field, because I later need to sum on…
Tommy Jakobsen
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Access 2000 data type conversion error or seeking correct syntax

SQL stmt: SELECT TOP 5 col1, col2, Format(col3with$text,"#,##0.00") AS Expr1 FROM myTBL produces results as expected but SQL stmt: SELECT TOP 5 col1, col2, Format(col3with$text,"#,##0.00") AS Expr1 FROM myTBL WEHRE Format(col3with$text,"#,##0.00")…
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Query with empty cells only works with "LEN(name) > 1 or LEN(name) < 2"

In my program ( I can only start a oleDBQuery to access a Acces 2000 Table when there are some cells empty, when I use "LEN(EnterName) > 1 or LEN(EnterName) < 2", which is strange, cause > 1 and <2 would just select any cell just like without…
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UCanAccess driver throws Exception when trying to connect with Access database while Jackcess connection works fine

1) This UCanAccess sample code works with database A (Access 2000) Class.forName("net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DATABASE_URL); System.out.println(conn); 2) The same…
1 answer

dynamic folder creation in asp

I am having a asp web that i am having upload options...if the user enters the invoice number and they redirect to upload page..from there they upload all the documents of that particular invoice and it saved in a path which i gave it in…
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Is there a way to filter data from the root?

I can filter data from the Web-Application itself, but isn't there a way to handle this from the root? For Example, filtering a telephone number: +(12)345 678 91 /011 With a Regular Expression through the Web-Application, which I am currently…
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How to use MS Access expression builder for if fieldA value = " then fieldB = "

Using MS Access expression builder for if fieldA value = " then fieldBdate = " table name is myOrder; myOrder has several fields including fieldA text (using value list for value selection, of which "Received" is one); And another field is named…
1 answer

How can we select data when we used key words as access database table names and field name in delphi

I am using delphi and access database. I used a keyword as a table name and field name. Ex : User \ Date \ Password. How can i access it from delphi? Below is the code i tried. It is working when i run it in Access. but same query can not run from…
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