Questions tagged [ms-access-2000]

Microsoft Access 2000 is an older version of Microsoft's entry-level, SQL, database application platform.


88 questions
5 answers

Global variable loses its value

On this Access form I am working on I have a global variable that take its value from another form on its Form_Load event. For some reason unknown to me the variable "loses its value" (becomes = "") after some time elapses or some event occurs. I…
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4 answers

What does the data in MSysQueries mean?

I've been using VBA to examine all the queries, forms, and modules in my Access 2000 database, but it can be quite tedious and slow. Recently, I decided to take a closer look at the system tables in Access, in particular, MSysQueries and…
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2 answers

Spell Check code in MS Access form field - throws error when change is accepted

I added the following code in the AfterUpdate event of a textbox in an MS Access form: Private Sub txtComments_AfterUpdate() With Me!txtComments .SetFocus If Len(.Value) > 0 Then DoCmd.SetWarnings False .SelStart = 1 …
Michael T
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3 answers

Auto-Resize Form and Contents in Ms-Access

Background: I am creating an application in Ms-Access that is to be launched on a multi-user platform - This means many screens and many different resolutions etc. Question: Is it possible to have my application that automatically adjusts to the…
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1 answer

Append query with no From clause

I have a MS Access database that records financial transactions. It has a form named frmDeposits that is based on table tblDep. One of the buttons on that form runs a procedure that inserts data from the current record into another table,…
7 answers

Access 2000 connecting to SQL Server 2005

The company I work for has an old Access 2000 application that was using a SQL Server 2000 back-end. We were tasked with moving the back-end to a SQL Server 2005 database on a new server. Unfortunately, the application was not functioning…
Mikey P
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Cannot replace original DB with modified copy

I am using Access 2000 in Windows 10 (which is probably a big no-no) and have run into a real head-scratcher. Here is what I am trying to do: 1) Make a copy of an existing database, let's call it C:\DB\DB1.MDB 2) This database contains a table…
Jon Willis
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3 answers

Access 2000 - Erase Multiple Forms?

Anyway to Erase multiple forms, queries, etc in Access 2000? (In the designer that is).
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1 answer

Updating a sub-form based on a list box selection

First of all I want to say that I have read other questions similar to this one but they don't solve the issue. I have a form which contains a sub-form. The master form simply has a list box which displays all the entries in a table (only showing…
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1 answer

Adding characters in string MsAccess 2000

I have table with one field: Postal 48016350 48016350 48016350 48016350 48016350 I need to add "0" before each record and add "-"(dash) after 5th character in my MsAccess 2000 database. My goal…
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3 answers

Deleting data from Access with VBA

I'm trying to delete every record from my current Access database in VBA where OTP = txtOTP.value and VARIABLE = {NomAdminContrats,TelAdminContrats,TelecAdminContrats, [...]} Here is my code: Dim query As Recordset Set query =…
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1 answer

How to Always Display Subreport in Access Report

I have a sub report named AdmSubreport1 inside an access report 'Admissions'. The sub report pulls out data from a query AdmQuery. The subreport also has a report header. The problem is that when admquery returns no results, the subreport totally…
3 answers

More than 255 Fields in Access 2000/2010

I am converting a 20-year old system from DBase IV into Access 2010, via Access 2000, in order to be more suitable for Windows 10. However, I have about 350 fields in the database as it is a parameters table and MS-Access 2000 and MS-Access 2010 are…
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1 answer

Counting days in a product life excluding the summers

I am trying to write an ms access SQL query in order to calculate the number of days that have passed since a date in two year periods: "summer" (from 1/6 to 30/09) and non-summer (from 1/1 to 30/05 and from 1/10 to 31/12). This date is the last…
4 answers

Access 2000 database security

I am developing windows application with database in access 2000. Since, I have always been in development, I have little knowledge about securing database. And now, its time for me to learn it and having difficulty. The database is located at one a…
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