Questions tagged [membership-provider]

Membership providers provide the interface between Microsoft ASP.NET's membership service and membership data sources. ASP.NET 2.0 ships with two membership providers: SqlMembershipProvider, which stores membership data in Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Express databases ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, which retrieves membership data from Microsoft Active Directory

987 questions
1 answer

Finding active Membership Provider and ensure its availability in Sharepoint 2010

How to find out what is the current active Membership Provider and see if it's available?
Arman Fatahi
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ASP.NET Membership Registration

I am trying to implement the membership registration but getting quite tired of it not working. Is there any really simple tutorials for this. Is it easier just to implement my OWN registration tables for usernames and passwords or is it a…
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Login to different active directories programaticly in c#

The company that I work for has two active directories (, because it has two different stores that had nothing to do with each other and plenty of users but now the managers of both stores need a page in common. So I need to create a…
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1 answer identity membership saving both email and username for a user

I would like to know if its possible to save email as part of the identity model for identity and also if its possible to save both email and username. I'm able to create account, save username/password but I'm not sure if I can save email…
2 answers

In Membership table update password with UserId

I used Membership provider to my application, and also Created Admin Panel to my application and In admin panel showing all Users that are registered to my application in a dropdown and Allowing admin to Edit,Delete For Delete an user I used this…
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Are ASP.Net membership credentials portable?

Why are ASP.Net membership credentials stored in a database not portable between (1) web apps and (2) machines? Two scenarios -- We backup the production database and restore it to the development server. None of the production login credentials…
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aspnet personalization

I need help to configure app with access as default provider for aspnet personalization.
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Can I add a column to Membership Provider's tables to store a user's face picture?

Should I add a column to users table to store user face pictures? Or should I create a new table to save face pictures?
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Getting MinRequiredPasswordLength from AD configuration C#

I want to know the MinRequiredPasswordLength that is configured in AD. Because when I debug: Membership.MinRequiredPasswordLength it always returns '7' and in AD it's configured to 8. I know that this property can be changed from web.config (I…
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Logging into FormsAuthentication With Email Address Causes Redirect To Not Work

I have an app that is using MembershipProvider and FormsAuthentication to verify a user is in Active Directory, creates a cookie and redirects back to the page they came from. If the user logs in with their userID (active directory cn),…
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iPhone: membership

in .Net we can use membership provider See Membership provider Whether there are any equivalent in iPhone or is it possible to access these provider through iPhone API
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Custom membership in ASP.NET MVC error

I tried to implement own membership in mvc by inheriting from base class. public override void CreateUser(string username, string password) { this.repository.CreateUser(username, password); } But, when I tried to build the…
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