Questions tagged [data-storage]

The generic concept of data-mass storage, not specific to any vendor or system architecture.

The generic concept of data-mass storage, not specific to any vendor or system architecture.

Use this if you're asking about concepts of data storage, mainly for conceptual questions. Don't use this tag if your application requires data storage, but you have no reason to believe it is directly related to your problem.

If you intend to use this tag, check if SuperUser or ServerFault might be better suited to your specific question.

447 questions
9 answers

Binary Data in MySQL

How do I store binary data in MySQL?
Geoff Dalgas
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5 answers

Pros and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences

What is the good mechanism to store information among SQLite database and Shared Preferences? Why use shared preferences? Why use sqlite? I tried to find the difference between them, and which is the better mechanism for data storing, but I am…
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7 answers

Eventual consistency in plain English

I often hear about eventual consistency in different speeches about NoSQL, data grids etc. It seems that definition of eventual consistency varies in many sources (and maybe even depends on a concrete data storage). Can anyone give a simple…
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19 answers

Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#)

I'm writing an application that takes user data and stores it locally for use later. The application will be started and stopped fairly often, and I'd like to make it save/load the data on application start/end. It'd be fairly straightforward if I…
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4 answers

Which Android Data Storage Technique to use?

The android documentation has the following options below but does not explain what circumstances each is best for. What are the pros and cons of each method? e.g. Under what conditions would SQL be better than Shared Preferences? Shared…
Declan McKenna
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2 answers

What is the use of private Content Providers?

The Android Dev Guide says Content providers are also useful for reading and writing data that is private to your application and not shared. Generally, Content Providers are used for providing data to different applications or sharing data…
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3 answers

Dependency injection and ASP.Net Membership Providers

I am in the process of creating a custom membership provider for an ASP.Net MVC website. The provider is being created as a separate class as part of a bigger library. There is a need for the back-end data store to be flexible as it could be an Xml…
4 answers

BigInteger in C?

What is the easiest way to handle huge numbers in C? I need to store values in the Area 1000^900, or in more human readable form 10^2700. Does anybody know of an easy way to do that? Any help would really be appreciated!
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6 answers

Store array of numbers in database field

Context: SQL Server 2008, C# I have an array of integers (0-10 elements). Data doesn't change often, but is retrieved often. I could create a separate table to store the numbers, but for some reason it feels like that wouldn't be optimal. …
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3 answers

Is Cassandra good for storing files?

I'm developing a php platform that will make huge use of images, documents and any file format that will come in my mind so i was wondering if Cassandra is a good choice for my needs. If not, can you tell me how should i store files? I'd like to…
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3 answers

How to get Storage Size of Applications programmatically in iPhone

I want to get the Storage Sizes of each Applications in iPhone through objective C. Any one help to get like this....
Suresh D
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9 answers

javascript library for client side storage with server side sync

I'm looking for a javascript library that will let me store data in a client side database and in the back ground automatically sync the database back to the server's database preferable something that supports a variaty of engines in the same way…
6 answers

Fast Relational method of storing tree data (for instance threaded comments on articles)

I have a cms which stores comments against articles. These comments can be both threaded and non threaded. Although technically they are the same just with the reply column left blank when it's not threaded. My application works on sqlLite, MySQL…
Stewart Robinson
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5 answers

What are some "mainstream" lightweight alternatives to storing files in .csv format?

I'm on a project which heavily favors the use of .csv files for data storage. I see many issues with using .csv, especially for storing relational data. Parsing .csv is generally a pain, particularly when using ad-hoc column assigments. I've…
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2 answers

How to best handle the storage of historical data?

I'm trying to determine how I should store historical transactional data. Should I store it in a single table where the record just gets reinserted with a new timestamp each time? Should I break out the historical data into a separate 'history'…
Aaron Palmer
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