Questions tagged [mbunit]

MbUnit is a generative unit test framework for the .NET Framework.

MbUnit provides advanced unit testing support with advanced fixtures to enable developers and testers to test all aspects of their software.

There are two current versions of MbUnit, v2 and v3.

MbUnit v3 is the current version of the MbUnit Framework. It is based on the Gallio Test Automation Platform which provides a stunning array of interoperable test tools. MbUnit v3 has been rewritten from the ground up to provide a compelling suite of testing features, native support for .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.5, better documentation, and cross-platform compatibility with Mono.

MbUnit v2 is the older version of the MbUnit Framework. It is still actively maintained for the benefit of existing users.

248 questions
30 answers

How do I get the path of the assembly the code is in?

Is there a way to get the path for the assembly in which the current code resides? I do not want the path of the calling assembly, just the one containing the code. Basically my unit test needs to read some xml test files which are located…
George Mauer
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7 answers

NUnit vs. MbUnit vs. MSTest vs.

There are quite a lot of unittesting frameworks out there for .NET. I found this little feature comparison: Now I am to choose the best one for us. But how? Does it matter? Which one is most future proof…
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1 answer

MbUnit under Linux, used within an F# project?

I tried asking this on the gallio-users list, but the question failed to appear (Google Groups says the post was successful). I suppose the list might be moderated by someone who does not read his email very often :-) Seeing as SO has tags for both…
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4 answers

TestDriven.NET is not running my SetUp methods for MbUnit

I've created some MbUnit Test Fixtures that have SetUp methods marked with the SetUp attribute. These methods run before the tests just fine using the MbUnit GUI, the console runner, and the ReSharper MbUnit plugin. However, when I run the tests…
Lance Fisher
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7 answers

MSBuild -- Use the .csproj file or roll your own?

OK, so I readily concede that I'm a newbie when it comes to continuous integration. That being said, I'm trying to set up a CC.NET environment to educate myself, but I'm having trouble finding the information I need to get the automated build…
4 answers

Equivalent of assert.warning in mstest?

is there a MsTest Equivalent of Assert.Warning in MbUnit ?
Hannoun Yassir
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7 answers

Best test runner? (Unit Testing, .NET)

I'm using MBUnit Framework for unit testing and looking for a good test runner. MbUnit's runner is fast however lacking lots of stuff such as You can't set execution path It's collapsing all trees in every run which drives me crazy And almost all…
4 answers

Using MBUnit in TeamCity

I'm compiling a NAnt project on linux with TeamCity Continuous Integration server. I have been able to generate a test report by running NAnt on mono thru a Command Line Runner but don't have the options of using the report like a NAnt Runner. I'm…
Scott Cowan
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1 answer

What is a Generative Unit Test Framework?

On stackoverflow I've come across mbunit. On its page it states that mbunit is a generative unit test framework, but I can't find anywhere that describes what a Generative unit test framework is. I was hoping to get : A definition Links to articles…
Nikola Stjelja
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7 answers

Users of Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this Tool?

For those of you familiar with Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this tool, a so-called Test Automation Platform?
Troy DeMonbreun
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4 answers

MbUnit vs. NUnit

I read that MbUnit is NUnit on steroids, but I don't see why. From what I have read on here, I hear that NUnit is more popular over MbUnit. One of the main reasons is because it has a fluent interface. Is this the only reason? Why should I prefer…
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5 answers

is NUnit bad choice for Selenium test?

I have read umpteen answers on SO while searching for NUnit + dependent methods + order of test execution. Every single answer suggests that forcing any set of order for unit tests is extremely evil. I am writing Selenium tests using NUnit. So I am…
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1 answer

Can MsTest unit tests be grouped in categories

In MbUnit one can do something like this: [Test] [TestCategory("Bad Arguments")] [TestCategory("Fast")] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void TestCopyWithBadHref() { . . . } Note these two: [TestCategory("Bad…
Hamish Grubijan
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1 answer

Can a TestActionAttribute in NUnit run BeforeTest before the fixture's own SetUp method?

I have some old MbUnit code which looks like this: public class MyFixture { [SetUp] public void SetUp() { // Add data to database } [Test, Rollback] public void DoTest() { // Tests with the data } } My new…
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2 answers

Combinatorial data in xUnit.NET?

I'm migrating from MbUnit to xUnit, and I'm trying to locate the equivalent attributes (or approach) to MbUnit's [CombinatorialJoin] and [Column]. For example, when testing common behavior of a function with multiple boolean parameters, [Column]…
Lilith River
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