Questions tagged [mono]

Mono is an open source implementation of .NET that runs on many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. This allows running .NET applications on platforms other than Windows with little to no modification.

Mono, the open source development platform based on the .NET framework, allows developers to build Linux and cross-platform applications with improved developer productivity. Mono's .NET implementation is based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Infrastructure.

Sponsored by Xamarin (formerly by Novell), the Mono project has an active and enthusiastic contributing community. Mono includes both developer tools and the infrastructure needed to run .NET client and server applications. It is positioned to become the leading choice for development of Linux applications.


  • Multi-Platform Runs on Linux, OS X, BSD, and Microsoft Windows, including x86, x86-64, ARM, s390, PowerPC and much more

  • Multi-Language Develop in C# 4.0 (including LINQ and dynamic), VB 8, Java, Python, Ruby, Eiffel, F#, Oxygene, and more

  • Binary Compatible Built on an implementation of the ECMA's Common Language Infrastructure and C#

  • Microsoft Compatible API Run ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Silverlight and Windows.Forms applications without recompilation

  • Open Source, Free Software Mono's runtime, compilers, and libraries are distributed under OSI approved licenses and are available for dual-licensing

  • Comprehensive Technology Coverage Bindings and managed implementations of many popular libraries and protocols

Hello World Example:

using System;

namespace MyApp
    class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!");


9850 questions
29 answers

Encrypt and decrypt a string in C#?

How can I encrypt and decrypt a string in C#?
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10 answers

Most useful NLog configurations

What are the best or most useful configurations for logging with NLog? (These can be simple or complex, as long as they're useful.) I'm thinking of examples like automatically rolling over log files at a certain size, changing the layout (log…
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9 answers

Process.start: how to get the output?

I would like to run an external command line program from my Mono/.NET app. For example, I would like to run mencoder. Is it possible: To get the command line shell output, and write it on my text box? To get the numerical value to show a progress…
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17 answers

Is Mono ready for prime time?

Has anyone used Mono, the open source .NET implementation on a large or medium sized project? I'm wondering if it's ready for real world, production environments. Is it stable, fast, compatible, ... enough to use? Does it take a lot of effort to…
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9 answers

.NET Core vs Mono

What is the difference between .NET Core and Mono? I found a statement on the official site that said: "Code written for it is also portable across application stacks, such as Mono." My goal is to use C#, LINQ, EF7 and Visual Studio to create a…
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14 answers

How to decide between MonoTouch and Objective-C?

After sitting through a session today on Mono at a local .Net event, the use of MonoTouch was 'touched' upon as an alternative for iPhone development. Being very comfortable in C# and .Net, it seems like an appealing option, despite some of the…
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13 answers

Will Google Android ever support .NET?

Now that the G1 with Google's Android OS is now available (soon), will the android platform ever support .Net?
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10 answers

How can I launch multiple instances of MonoDevelop on the Mac?

I would like to open a new MonoDevelop instance to work on a different project on the Mac, and the OS is currently preventing me from opening a new instance.
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15 answers

Is .NET/Mono or Java the better choice for cross-platform development?

How much less libraries are there for Mono than for Java? I lack the overview over both alternatives but I have pretty much freedom of choice for my next project. I'm looking for hard technical facts in the areas of performance (for example, I'm…
Hanno Fietz
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4 answers

Does .NET have a way to check if List a contains all items in List b?

I have the following method: namespace ListHelper { public class ListHelper { public static bool ContainsAllItems(List a, List b) { return b.TrueForAll(delegate(T t) { return…
Matt Haley
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7 answers

Develop Android app using C#

Is it possible to write an android app using C#? Is there an API or something? Is it free for personal and commercial development? What do I need to install to have android project template in my Visual Studio?
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1 answer

MbUnit under Linux, used within an F# project?

I tried asking this on the gallio-users list, but the question failed to appear (Google Groups says the post was successful). I suppose the list might be moderated by someone who does not read his email very often :-) Seeing as SO has tags for both…
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5 answers

How do I use Travis-CI with C# or F#

Travis CI continuous integration service officially supports many languages, but not C# or F#. Can I use it with my .net projects?
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13 answers

Running ASP.Net on a Linux based server

For a developer with a Java background, I am interested in exploring software development using the ASP.NET tools/platform as well. Java web applications (.jsp and servlets) can run on many server platforms. Question: Will a .NET web application be…
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6 answers

Custom Layout for DialogFragment OnCreateView vs. OnCreateDialog

I'm trying to create a DialogFragment using my own Layout. I've seen a couple different approaches. Sometimes the layout is set in OnCreateDialog like this: (I'm using Mono but I've gotten somewhat used to Java) public override Android.App.Dialog…
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