Questions tagged [mbunit]

MbUnit is a generative unit test framework for the .NET Framework.

MbUnit provides advanced unit testing support with advanced fixtures to enable developers and testers to test all aspects of their software.

There are two current versions of MbUnit, v2 and v3.

MbUnit v3 is the current version of the MbUnit Framework. It is based on the Gallio Test Automation Platform which provides a stunning array of interoperable test tools. MbUnit v3 has been rewritten from the ground up to provide a compelling suite of testing features, native support for .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.5, better documentation, and cross-platform compatibility with Mono.

MbUnit v2 is the older version of the MbUnit Framework. It is still actively maintained for the benefit of existing users.

248 questions
1 answer

Invoking mbunit Test Runner Programmatically

I am currently building a test suite using mbunit. So far so good, but instead of using the included Icarus GUI, I want to have my own test runner. Not knowing much about what to do, I go on Gallio's Google group and copied the code posted by a…
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MbUnit Icarus self-destructs on this test

I'm trying to test a multi-threaded IO class using MbUnit. My goal is to have the test fixture constructor execute 3 times, once for each row on the class. Then, for each instance, execute the tests multiple times on parallell threads. However,…
Lilith River
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1 answer

What dlls from Gallio do I need to include for TeamCity to run the tests

I'm using Gallio and MbUnit 3, and I have Team City 4 installed. I just put the whole bin directory of Gallio into Subversion since I didn't know what dlls I needed. Do you know which ones I need to keep, and what I don't need to put into SCM? …
Lance Fisher
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1 answer

Using Gallio/Mbunit with TFS 2010 Team Build

How do you configure a Team Build 2010 build process template to run MbUnit tests via Gallio?
David Gardiner
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7 answers

When unit testing, do you have to use a database to test CRUD operations?

When unit testing, is it a must to use a database when testing CRUD operations? Can sql lite help with this? Do you have to cre-create the db somehow in memory? I am using mbunit.
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Getting test runner to work with Gallio from Nuget

I think I'm missing something here. I installed Tesdriven and then Gallio (third link from top - Gallio 3.5 x64 installer) Then I installed the mbunit dlls from Nuget because I didn't want to include a dll from my hard drive as it makes it difficult…
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2 answers

Unable to output log messages in MbUnit + TestDriven

I am unable to to output log messages to console via the Common.Logging framework in MbUnit tests run by TestDriven. I am not sure if it has to do with the way Gallio is registered with TestDriven. I followed the steps on this post ( Register a…
Candy Chiu
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3 answers

do you know any tutorial for MBUnit?

It looks a bit hard to find documentation about MBUnit. Does anyone know of any tutorials?
2 answers

Gallio.Model.ModelException: An exception occurred while invoking a test driver

Gallio.Model.ModelException: An exception occurred while invoking a test driver. ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type 'Microsoft.Cci.Pdb.PdbDebugException' in Assembly 'Gallio, Version=, Culture=neutral,…
3 answers

Debug using MbUnit/Gallio 3.1

When I use the [Debug] button in Gallio, the breakpoints in my unit tests are not hitting. The unit tests are written with MbUnit/Gallio. I am using MbUnit/Gallio version 3.1 build 397 with Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. The unit tests run to…
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Questions when moving from MbUnit to MsTest

Our team is looking to switch from using mbunit to mstest, but there appears to be some disconnect between the two. Does anyone know how to simulate the CombinatorialTest and Factory attributes from mbunit when using mstest? I think that is our only…
Elijah Manor
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3 answers

Are there any plans for Microsoft to support testing frameworks other than MSTest?

It seems like you should be able to configure your preferred unit testing framework as a plugin to Visual Studio/Team system like you can with SourceControl providers. Is anyone aware of an effort within microsoft to allow for swapping out MStest…
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Why isn't's FactAttribute AttributeUsage.Inheritable?

Having not written a unit testing framework before, it seems to me that an inheritable Fact attribute would make it easier to write abstract test classes or test interfaces if certain types in an assembly all needed to be tested for similar things. …
Scott Lawrence
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1 answer

MbUnit: The most elegant way to compare doubles?

The code Assert.AreEqual (9.97320998018748d, observerPosition.CenterLongitude); produces Expected Value & Actual Value : 9.97320998018748 Remark : Both values look the same when formatted but they are distinct instances. What is the most elegant…
Igor Brejc
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3 answers

Automated testing for Classic ASP

Does anyone do automated QA testing for a Classic ASP site? I started looking at WatIn and MBUnit but not sure of the best way to structer the tests.
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