Questions tagged [speed-dial]

14 questions
5 answers

Android Design Support Library expandable Floating Action Button(FAB) menu

Now that the Android Design Support Library is out, does anyone knows how to implement expanded Fab menu with it, like the fab on Inbox App? Should look like this:
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3 answers

Android Floating Action Button options Menu

There are lots of custom libraries for achieving the FAB menu thing. But I want it to be done without using any custom libraries. I want to achieve this FAB Menu natively. Please don't suggest me any custom library
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Android FloatingActionButton Speed Dial

I am currently working on an Android app in which I use a FloatingActionButton. I would like to use the speed dial to have multiple actions that spin/jump out of the action button as described in this page by Google on Android design, or as could be…
3 answers

Flutter Error: no named parameter with the name "overflow"

I am working on an app in flutter, and everything was working fine when suddenly one day when i tried to run the app it get me this…
1 answer

When used together, TooltipClasses and FabProps are not working for SpeedDialAction in Material UI React

While working on SpeedDial component of React's Material UI the following is needed: Change the background color of speeddial button Change the background color of speeddialactions Change the font size of tooltip displayed on hover over…
rahul shukla
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3 answers

Is there a way to have a floatingActionButton and a SpeedDial together?

I'm experimenting with SpeedDial and I wanted to know if it's possible to have a SpeedDial and a floatingActionButton in the same screen. The next code has worked for me for having two FloatingActionButton, but when adding the speeddial, the limits…
1 answer

How to fetch SPEED Dial contact list in Android?

My question is that SPEED DIAL list shows speed dial contacts list. I want to fetch this SPEED DIAL contact list in my application.
1 answer

Can I disable the Material-UI SpeedDial mouseover event

I am wanting to disable the default mouseover/hover behaviour of Material-UI's SpeedDial component ( Currently when you mouseover the primary icon, the SpeedDial component will open. It will also open on…
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1 answer

How to handle speed dial actions using material ui?

I have three actions supporting my SpeedDialAction, however when I try to log the event of the individual actions onClick, I get undefined. I have tried using different functions as actions, also tried arrow function syntax in the method…
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Is there a way to enable clicks on MaterialUI SpeedDial tooltips (labels)

I am using Material-UI's SpeedDial with tooltipOpen prop on SpeedDialAction. The behaviour I'm looking for is that the user can move the cursor over to and click the action item tooltip (label). Currently, when the user moves the pointer towards the…
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DevExtreme's SpeedDialAction react component issue when opened on mobile browser

I have been working on the DevExtreme component for SpeedDialAction, which works perfectively well on the computer browser. But as soon as I open the same application on a mobile browser it gives an error. Here is the sample code - import {…
Jeethesh Kotian
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1 answer

Can I stop Material-UI SpeedDial from closing when a SpeedDialAction button is clicked

I am wanting to disable the default behaviour of Material-UI's SpeedDial component ( Currently when you click a SpeedDialAction, the parent SpeedDial component will close. I would like to change the…
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1 answer

How to implement Material Speed Dial on Flutter?

Is there any native Flutter library for achieving Material Design Speed Dial? I found only this FAB documentation, but it doesn't say anything about creating a menu out of it, though Material Design FAB documentation says at the top that FAB is…
1 answer

Replicate the exact behavior of the FAB from "Inbox by Gmail"

I would like to know what is currently the best way to replicate the exact behavior of the Floating Action Button from Inbox by Gmail. I am talking about this: In particular I am interested in: (collapsed) Having an icon A and no label on the…