Questions tagged [log-level]

61 questions
1 answer

Limit log level for an android process

I'm trying to limit the log level for the process /system/bin/mm-qcamera-daemon because when the camera strats working (recording video) it generates a lot of logs similar to the following entries: 03-13 12:04:00.241 602 3224 I mm-camera:
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Log level for a business validation error

If I have a validation rule that prevents duplicate put requests on an entity , should I log this situation as a error or info in my logs? If I see a error connecting to DB or error calling an external api , I log these as errors. However I want to…
Punter Vicky
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How to set SBT logLevel for log member of a streams task?

How do you set logLevel when using streams.value.log in an SBT task? For instance, how can this task's logs be supressed to just Warn logs?: lazy val mainRunner = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Runs a main method") lazy val mainRunnerSetting = mainRunner :=…
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How do I correctly pass chrome capabilities into the default webdriver on Katalon studio

I'm currently trying to get a test running on Katalon Studio, and the specific outcome is determined by certain messages showing up in the browser console. I've managed to extract the console logs and can parse them easily enough, but I'm currently…
0 answers

Programmatic configuration of logger/appender

How to write below configuration using Java code?, myAppender I am working on legacy code which is using log4j 1.x, I don't have choice to upgrade log4j version. Basically, my requirement is to have session…
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How can I control log level of plain-text debug files in robot framework?

I have read this documentation which explains how to create plain-text log files during execution. As it says it is a Debug File and All messages got from test libraries are written to them; but I'm looking for a way to control the log level of its…
Zeinab Abbasimazar
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different level of log in log4j 2 are not showing correct log

thanks in advance , I have created log4j 2 XML file that creates 3 type of log file - info , debug ,error. My XML look like this :
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4 answers

Read filtered log cat(Programmatically)?

How can i read filtered log cat whereLevel is Warning? That's all i know.... logcat = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"logcat", "-d"}); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(logcat.getInputStream()),4*1024); String line; final…
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Ramlog feature for network device

I'm working on storing INFO logs to vtmp location. The current functionality has logging.c file which allows logs to rsyslog.conf with daemon logs (whichever local logging level I set). But since I require INFO logs I've added a condition…
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Writing logs based on log level in Zend Framework 3

We recently started migrating a project from Zend Framework 1 to Zend Framework 3. With Zend Framework 1, we were using Log4PHP library for application logging. With Log4PHP we are able to log the logs in different files based on log levels (debug,…
Sreejith Pm
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LOG4J call only for specific function

asking this as an experiences Log4j user: We have a pretty big class with lots of debug statements (Logger.getLogger(class).debug("Borrowed connection "+con.getId())... you know what I mean :) Now I suspect one specific function to not work as…
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How to change puppetserver loglevel for ELK

I have a puppet server 5.3 which logs to logstash. Daily I get ~90k messages, 95% of which are with log level INFO. I would like to get only the WARN and ERROR level but regardless what I try, I still get the INFOs. This is how I send the data to…
1 answer

How To Set Specific Logger Level in Log4j2

With log4j1 I was able to control an individual logger level but the property statements appear to not be working with log4j2. I have the rootLogger level set to DEBUG and want to suppress the numerous debug logs coming from via…
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2 answers

Console is getting flooded with DEBUG messages once click() method is invoked through Selenium and Python

I'm using selenium firefox and my code below generate what i needed but after it finished loading it generated a flooded of debugging messages. What am I doing wrong? def count_list(self, busienss_seller_url): seller_url =…
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Jenkins ignoring java command line option for logging. How to fix it?

I am passing java command line option in Jenkins build configuration in Goals and Options as -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=warn But somehow jenkins is ignoring it and I am getting log levels at INFO. How do I fix this?
Saurabh kukade
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