Questions tagged [puppet]

Puppet is a ruby-based Configuration Management system incorporating a model-driven DSL. Its purpose is to provide configuration file enforcement, service state monitoring, package installation and other server-side management.

Puppet is a ruby-based Configuration Management system made by Puppet Labs.

Puppet has its own DSL, a model-driven language.

Its purpose is to provide configuration file enforcement, service state monitoring, package installation and other server-side management.

Functionality is provided by types. Out of the box, puppet comes with a number of commonly used types such as package, service and file.

It can be extended with modules available from the Forge.

Puppet is written in Ruby and licensed under the Apache v2 and the source code is avaliable on Github.

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See Also

3912 questions
4 answers

Why do people use Puppet/Chef with Amazon Cloud Formation instead of just using CloudInit?

We're planning to use AMI EC2 instances which are not "pre-baked". I.e. when they are spun up, they are bare installs of AWS linux. Our bootstrap process will pull in the various installs that we need e.g. python, tomcat. We'll have min of 3…
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2 answers

How can I develop a LAMP web application using Docker, Puppet and Vagrant?

In the dark ages, my usual setup for development of LAMP web applications was to test locally on my machine. PHP (in my case), the database and the web server were all installed natively. The server was set up with standard installs of Apache and…
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7 answers

Configuration Management for Windows

Are there any tools for windows like that *nix world has? I am looking for something like Chef or Puppet. I have found cfEngine but it still looks very *nix centric. Ideally it would be open source, and command line driven. The idea is to put…
Nathan Lee
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11 answers

Nginx: Permission denied for nginx on Ubuntu

I am new to system administration. After installing nginx via puppet on Ubuntu I get the following output: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied) [warn] 1898#0: the "user" directive…
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1 answer

OpenSSL vs GPG for encrypting off-site backups?

Given the option between using GPG and OpenSSL for local encryption before pushing archives to an off-site backup location, what are the benefits and drawbacks of each solution? Background: I currently manage a server infrastructure based on Ubuntu…
6 answers

How do you concatenate strings in a Puppet .pp file?

Here is my naive approach: # puppet/init.pp $x = 'hello ' + 'goodbye' This does not work. How does one concatenate strings in Puppet?
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8 answers

How do you add items to .dockerignore?

I'm not able to find many examples of what a .dockerignore file should look like. Using puppet to install a few packages on a docker container causes the image to explode from 600MB to 3GB. I'm trying to use a .dockerignore file to keep the size to…
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8 answers

Run `apt-get update` before installing other packages with Puppet

I'm trying to create puppet module which automates installation of zend server CE, this is not important here, but steps are as following update /etc/apt/source.list download repos key via wget do apt-get update do apt-get install…
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10 answers

How to print something when running Puppet client?

I want to print out messages and variables when Puppet runs. I saw there are two functions that might help but couldn't really use them. My site.pp file: info "running site.pp info" debug "running site.pp debug" When I run on the client: puppet…
Iftach Bar
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6 answers

Puppet/Facter "Could not retrieve fact fqdn": How to fix or circumvent?

I'm learning about puppet and trying to experiment with it on a VM at home. I'm not using a puppet server yet, just running things locally. It works okay, but every time I run puppet apply ..., I get a delay of several seconds, after which it…
Ryan Stewart
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8 answers

Installing a puppet module from a manifest script

I'm using puppet to provision a vagrant (ubuntu based) virtual machine. In my script I need to: sudo apt-get build-dep python-lxml I know I can install the apt puppet module so I can use: apt::builddep { 'python-lxml': } But I can't find any…
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4 answers

are there iterators and loops in puppet?

When I define(?) a resource e.g. to ensure dir structure, are there any loops available? Like that: for X in [app1,app2] do: file { '/opt/app/' + X: ensure => directory, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode =>…
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2 answers

Vagrant provisioning shell vs puppet vs chef

I have the following setup: Many different projects which are separate git repositories, but all have mostly the same server configuration Each project in turn depends on many other projects and we use the composer dependency manager to get them…
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8 answers

Managing a user password for linux in puppet

I need to create a test user with a password using puppet. I've read that puppet cannot manage user passwords in a generic cross-platform way, which is a pity. I am doing this for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3. I do as follows: user {…
David Portabella
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2 answers

How is deployment to Production done from local VirtualBox / Vagrant development environment?

Recently I started to read about building development environments with virtualization software (I am a beginner) and it seems that 'infrastructure as a code' is a really powerful concept. I really like the workflow structure described here: The…
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