Questions tagged [log-level]

61 questions
1 answer

slf4j simple, is it possible to filter message within the same level?

As titled, I just implemented slf4j simple here and I got a massive noise.. In that output, for example, I'd like to keep only the warns at the end, that is: [pool-1-thread-1] WARN assimp.Assimp - Collada: No material specified for subgroup <> in…
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Logging implementation of getLevelName method

According to the Doc here and this answer here, asking for a logLevel of my logger should return one of this levelnames _levelNames = { CRITICAL : 'CRITICAL', ERROR : 'ERROR', WARNING : 'WARNING', INFO : 'INFO', DEBUG : 'DEBUG', …
ΦXocę 웃 Пepeúpa ツ
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override log4net appender threshold

I would like to know if it's possible to override a log4net appender threshold. Default threshold level for the appender is ERROR, but for some namespaces i would like to log INFO as well, e.g. program start/stop info messages. For example override…
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Pantheios set display level in C++

I'm using Pantheios library for logging. I have: pantheios::log(pantheios::debug, "I'm debug"); pantheios::log(pantheios::informational, "Some info"); Which outputs: [MyApplication, Jun 14 15:45:26.549; Debug] : I'm debug [MyApplication.1, Jun 14…
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Add a global value to all LogLevel only once which will affect everywhere

I have added Logger in my code at serveral places (Log4j). Like" some thing "); My log is something like this at so many places, Timestamp LogLevel SometText SomeMoreText Whenever any new request comes, I want to add some value like…
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How to save users log in the server in react?

I want to save users' logs to my own server. How can I do that? And also can I get full stacktrace like development server in the production? Thanks in advance.
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Set log level info dynamically by environment to log4j with spring-boot-starter-log4j2

I would like to set the log level info depending on the environment (develop, stage, prod), in a spring app. I tried creating different log4j.xml files and setting in the application.proopreties the configuration required for each env. For instance…
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What happens after I change the log level to debug in the docker-compose file in my server? How can I start debugging

I am very new to both servers and Docker. I am trying to have a jwt authentication in my web app (Jitsi-meet is integrated). But I couldn't do it. Then I was suggested that I change the "prosody" variable's log level to DEBUG. And thus I…
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Setting the MinimumLevel in Serilog: is it possible to use a wildcard/regex for the namespace?

Setting the MinimumLevel in Serilog: is it possible to use wildcards/regex the namespace ? Let's assume that I have my own namespaces with different casing, which need both to be logged on Information. MyNameSpace MYNameSpace Can this be done via…
Stef Heyenrath
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why is react dev tools is hijacking my loglevel function call?

I've setup up loglevel and loglevel-remote-plugin to send client logs over to the server so that I can troubleshoot client issues. Working great. I also created an component to catch errors in React components bubbling up. My issue…
James Render
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How do I reduce the loglevel of CKAN error e-mails

I am setting up a new instance of CKAN. I was running through SO and the documentation, which is great btw, but to no avail. So I set up admin emails for notification of any issues and it seems it tracks even all nginx info messages. However, I…
Kay Urbach
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How to set log levels for bunit ant script?

I am trying to reduce the log statements being printed during the bunit ant script run. What I find is that the log statements are controlled using the below two properties - processLogging - I have set this to "urn:ae:none" which is the default…
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loglevel-plugin-remote does not send accumulated logs while redirect or refresh

I have added loglevel-plugin-remote to a react web application in order to track it's events. When I configure loglevel to accumulate logs and send them only once in few minutes, I noticed that, it is not sending the accumulated logs when I refresh…
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How to separate or filter nginx error log levels

as I understood in nginx I could specify an error log as warn , error , info , debug , ... my problem is that I wanna have warn logs and error logs on separate files but as you know if I a specify a file for warn logs then It would include error…
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Python different log level for outputfile an terminal

Is there a way, without using an external module, to set the logging level for terminal output to info, and the logging level for writing a *.log to warning? Why do I ask? I have a script that will run over a long period of time. Therefore I want to…