Questions tagged [livenessprobe]

35 questions
1 answer

Do Kubernetes liveness probes run in parallel with your application?

I have a pod running on Kubernetes for which I am designing a liveness probe. My application reads from a queue (via a loop which continually searches for new messages and executes other functions if it finds one) and is not exposed via HTTP, so I…
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Are Kubernetes liveness probe failures voluntary or involuntary disruptions?

I have an application deployed to Kubernetes that depends on an outside application. Sometimes the connection between these 2 goes to an invalid state, and that can only be fixed by restarting my application. To do automatic restarts, I have…
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Liveness Probe, Readiness Probe not called in expected duration

On GKE, I tried to use readiness probe/ liveness probe , and post alert using monitoring as a test, I create a pod which has readiness probe/ liveness probe. Probe check failed everytime,…
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Spring Boot 2.3 Liveness Probe feature fails in graceful shutdown

I'm testing the new feature graceful shutdown in Spring Boot 2.3 (server.shutdown=graceful and Tomcat Web server) with Kubernetes terminationGracePeriodSeconds field. When the graceful shutdown phase starts, new HTTP requests are rejected as…
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Liveness probe failing but the endpoint is accessible from different pods

I'm trying to implement a simple liveness probe in my helm chart deployment template. Below is my liveness probe configuration. Spring boot /actuator/health endpoint is used as the health check endpoint. containers: - name: {{ .Release.Name…
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Kubernetes liveness probe httpGet schema not working correctly

I am deploying some web app on kubernetes and I want to set liveness probe for this application. When I configure my deployment with liveness probe, kubelet start health check. I was defined httpGet with scheme "HTTP" parameter but kubelet using…
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Why pod goes to CrashLoopBackOff after restarting successfully few times due to liveliness probe failed

I've a simple spring boot application with following liveness probe: livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: 56017 initialDelaySeconds: 30 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds:…
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K8s liveness probe behavior when the pod contains more than one container?

Scenario: A K8S pod has more than one container and liveness/readiness probes are configured for each of the containers. Now if the liveness probe is succeeding on some containers and failing on few containers, what will k8s do. will it restart…
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Quarkus-kubernetes- How to avoid zombie process?

I have one application that is creating zombies processes each 1-2 seconds in my cluster. I'm using Process in my app, but only when I receive specific commands which is not the case right now. String command = "helm install release…
Sebastien Dionne
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Is that possible to use Http and Command livenessProbe in the same deployment?

I just have a doubt on whether is possible to run multiples liveness probes in the same deployment.yaml. For example: I already have a liveness probe that runs a python script that check my application like: livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 5 …
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Choosing between TCP probe and HTTP probe for liveness and readiness in kubernetes

To keep things simple, I think its better to just check the TCP port for liveness and readiness in kubernetes as it doesn't require knowledge of health-check endpoint (HTTP path) but just the port number. Any guide on the disadvantages of just…
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openshift livenessProbe logging only when status NOT 200

I have a simple livenessProbe http check: livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 20 timeoutSeconds: 30 failureThreshold: 3 successThreshold: 3 In my logs there are tons of /health…
Martin Fric
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"Cannot resolve configuration property" in Spring boot when trying to configure probes

In my Spring Boot 2.3.3.RELEASE I'm tyring to enable to readiness and liveness endpoints. I added this to the yml file: But IntelliJ marks the values with "Cannot resolve configuration property" , and the endpoints are not accessible (e.g.…
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S3 - Kubernetes probe

I have the following situation: Application uses S3 to store data in Amazon. Application is deployed as a pod in kubernetes. Sometimes some of developers messes with access data for S3 (eg. user/password) and application fails to connect to S3 - but…
Bojan Vukasovic
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Kubernetes Probes in deployment template

I have a question regarding Kubernetes Liveness/Readiness probes configuration. I have an application developed in netCore 3.1 that at this moment, in production env (version 1.0.0), doesn't have configured health checks. I have implemented the…
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