Questions tagged [google-cloud-monitoring]

Google Cloud Monitoring provides dashboards and alerts for cloud-powered applications.

Google Cloud Monitoring (aka Stackdriver Monitoring) is a native GCP solution for service monitoring. The tool lets users create charts, dashboards, alerts and notifications based on built-in or custom metrics.

GCP/Stackdriver Monitoring collects metrics, events, and metadata from Google Cloud (), Amazon Web Services (), hosted uptime probes, and application instrumentation. Using the Blue Medora BindPlane service, you can also collect this data from over 150 common application components, on-premise systems, and hybrid cloud systems.

Note: Consider searching for tag to find more answers, as it historically was an umbrella term for GCP operation suite, with , and being part of it.


219 questions
1 answer

GCP stackdriver-agent installed on VM send strange logs every minute

please can you help me with the following issue. I have a backend service on node.js I deployed it on GCE VM. It's working fine, but after installing logging and monitoring agent I see very strange logs in Logs Viewer. I looked at the paid that…
2 answers

how to create alert per error in stackdriver

Having created log-based metrics in cloud console, I then want to create alerts so that every time there is a new matching log entry, the alert triggers. In trying to create a suitable metric, the most likely looking options seem to be threshold or…
4 answers

Can I run Google Monitoring Agent inside a Kubernetes Pod?

It seems that the Google Monitoring Agent (powered by Stackdriver) should be installed on each Node (i.e. each compute instance, i.e. each machine) of a Kubernetes cluster. However the new plugins, like Nginx, Redis, ElasticSearch..., need those…
2 answers

GKE - HPA using custom metrics - unable to fetch metrics

I have custom metrics exported to Google Cloud Monitoring and i want to scale my deployment according to it. This is my HPA: apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: -hpa namespace:…
2 answers

Writing to custom timeseries with the Google Cloud Monitoring v3 api

Google has warned that the v2 monitoring api is now deprecated and will be going away soon. However, migrating to v3 is proving to be a bit difficult. I'm trying to write a custom metric and am getting the following error responses: Services >…
1 answer

How can I customize the entire email notification in Stackdriver Alerting?

Currently, the message specified in the Document field while creating alerting policy appears in the Document field of the Stackdriver alert email. I would like to overwrite the entire email message body with my custom content. How can I overwrite…
2 answers

No data in Cloud Monitoring from user-defined metrics in Cloud Logging

I have created 2 user-defined metrics in the Cloud Logging UI. Those metrics show up in Cloud Monitoring, but their graphs are perpetually showing "no graph data found". Are there any steps to troubleshoot this or are there other requirements to…
1 answer

GCP Stackdriver alert on metric not absent

there are some metrics in GCP's Stackdriver like f.e. that appear when there is a problem and are absent (not 0) if there is no more problem. The problem is I cannot set up alerting to auto-resolve,…
0 answers

Google Cloud Monitoring Writing Datapoints Faster than Maximum Sampling Period

Context: I'm attempting to use Google Cloud's monitoring SDK to publish metrics on error status codes, latency and other server-side metrics. Due to the rate of requests per second on my machines, this will exceed Google's metric limit of 1…
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2 answers

Is it possible to monitor the number of pod-replicas in a Kubernetes cluster over time with StackDriver?

I have added several Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPAs) to a Kubernetes cluster. I want to monitor the number of replicas of each pod over time. Does StackDriver have an option to monitor the number of replicas of each pod over time? When creating a…
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1 answer

Stackdriver login redirect loop

I can't login to Stackdriver from the Google Cloud Console because of a login page redirect loop. Here is the complete http request flow: I can't provide you here the http request flow as stackoverflow said it looks like…
1 answer

Error while creating custom metrics with 'monitoring_v3' for containers in GKE

We are getting the following error "One or more TimeSeries could not be written: One or more points were written more frequently than the maximum sampling period configured for the metric.: timeSeries[0]" when we tried to create container…
0 answers

perform arithmetic on stack driver metrics

These aren't custom metrics I'm trying to add just the existing GCP metrics. How do I add 2 metrics together in a Stack driver time series? I have two different metrics and I want to sum them so I see a single line- also I'd like to be able to alert…
1 answer

In python, communicating with stackdriver always returns success, doesn't send anything

For some inexplicable reason, google provides no stackdriver api for appengine, so I'm stuck implementing one. No worries - I thought - I have already worked with the API builder to talk to bigquery, so I built up a client and started trying to send…
0 answers

Google Stackdriver Monitoring to monitor each VM in a Instance Group

We are using Managed Instance Group(MIG) in Google Cloud Platform. I have installed agent via a startup script, so it is able to send metrics Requirement: Monitor VM disk utilisation for each instance in MIG and send alerts. When a deployment is…
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