Questions tagged [liquid-template]

Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby. It is the backbone of Shopify themes and is used to load dynamic content on storefronts. This tag should be used for questions relating to Liquid templating systems (for example interactions between Shopify's theme template files). Use the related [liquid] tag for generic liquid questions.

Liquid is a templating engine for creating web pages. From the Liquid website:

Liquid is an extraction from the e-commerce system Shopify. Shopify powers many thousands of e-commerce stores which all call for unique designs. For this we developed Liquid which allows our customers complete design freedom while maintaining the integrity of our servers.

Liquid has been in production use since June 2006 and is now used by many other hosted web applications.

It was developed to for usage in Ruby on Rails web applications and integrates seamlessly as a plugin but it also works excellently as a stand alone library.

Liquid has been in production use at Shopify since 2006, and is also used as the main templating engine on GitHub pages through the Jekyll static site generator.

15 questions
1 answer

Why would a previously stable and working Liquid template fail after the most recent Azure API Management upgrade?

We have an Azure API Management endpoint that receives requests in the following format: { "messageType": "EVENT", "eventData": { "installedApp": { "installedAppId": "xxx", "locationId": "yyy" }, …
Jude Fisher
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1 answer

How to Remove comma for the last object in nested for loop?

I want to remove the comma from the last object in nested for loop: [{% for item1 in articles.results.entities %} {% for item2 in articles1.results.entities %} {% if item1.knowledgearticleid != item2.knowledgearticleid %} { …
2 answers

Xml to Json liquid template stopped working on Azure Logic Apps

After one month of successful mapping our template gives different results with no change in the process. Xml fragment is as follows: Role on Role two
1 answer

How to fetch xml attribute value in liquid template - XML to JSON Liquid

I am trying to fetch the xml attribute value using liquid template. Examples are as below. XML example:
0 answers

Not able to get value from custom table in PowerApps portal

I had created a custom table(entity) in dataverse of power app portal and added some dummy data. Table name is "TestTable" and created a column "TestColumn". I am trying to get data from this in powerapps portal using liquid…
Harsh Bhavsar
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1 answer

Liquid Template - Unable To Modify Jekyll Carousel Script

I'm using the Jekyll framework and using the official Carousel script from their website ( and I'm struggling to figure out how to make it possible to pass a name to the carousel.html script so that I…
1 answer

Liquid template to get XML node and child nodes xml as it is to json format

I am trying Liquid template to convert XML to Json with some transformation. I have sample XML as shown below Sample XML: abc 15 dd dd
1 answer

unable to parse soap response using Azure API Management liquid template

I want to change the output format of the soap response, before passing it onto the client. I am using the soap pass-through as specified in the documentation Soap service used in this…
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0 answers

Using Shopify Liquid Ruby Package

I am trying to create a Liquid Template for sending automatic emails. For this, i am using the Liquid package in Ruby from I have created an HTML sample code for my email, now i want to convert this into a Liquid…
1 answer

Parsing JSON to JSON in Liquid Template using for loop. How to iterate through lists in JSON using Liquid Template?

{ "SAP": [ {% for Record in content %}{ {% assign res = Record.d['results'] %} "SSO ID": "{{ res[0].username }}" }, {% endfor %} ] } Using this - i am only able to get username field of the first…
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1 answer

Email Liquid Templates - Split string and show string[index] inline

I am currently working with liquid templates and I have a string that has a pipe delimiter |. How would I be able to split this string and display the specific string one I want? I figured out how to split the string: {{ "Cookies | Biscuits" |…
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2 answers

Logica Apps liquid template ask

I am a complete newcomer to Liquid, started playing with it a few hours ago. i am trying to parse a JSON and extract certain key value pairs out of it, yet i am not successful at all. the JSON is outputed from Azure Form Recognizer, and i am trying…
az work
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1 answer

Iterate array object in liquid template

I have a problem when my Liquid template iterate in array object. I want to transform an input json into another output json. It is my Liquid Template: {% assign clientList = Clients.value %} { "value": [ {% for client in clientList %} …
2 answers

Liquid template transformation is not working in Azure Logic app

I am trying to perform json -> json transformation using the logic app. below is the logic app code. transformation is not working as expected. not sure what is the problem. I have tested the templated in the online liquid sandbox, where I didn't…
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Liquid - How do I setup liquid template locally

How do I set up Liquid Templates locally? Suppose, I have this liquid template and I want to run this locally. {%- assign deviceList = content.devices | Split: ', ' -%} { "fullName": "{{content.firstName | Append: ' ' | Append:…
Simpal Kumar
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