Questions tagged [dynamics-crm-portals]

CRM Portals (Dynamics 365 Portals) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM which helps to publish rich content to your portal website.

Useful Links:

  1. Administer and manage portal capabilities for Dynamics 365
  2. Configure a Dynamics 365 portal
63 questions
1 answer

Dynamics 365 Drag and Drop Attachment

Is it possible to have a drag and drop interface for attachment in Dynamics 365 Portal? Currently, I only found the solution for drag and drop attachment using web resource in the CRM Form but haven't found anything on portal.
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Any options for logging client side errors in a Dynamics 365 portal site?

I am working with a Dynamics 365 Customer Self-Service portal running alongside a Dynamics 365 CRM online instance and I'm having issues with customers using the site. I've read the docs on how to enable diagnostic logging with Azure blob storage,…
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Azure B2C Dynamics Claims Mapping

I'm following Microsoft's guidance to enable Dynamics Portal access via Azure AD B2C. Basics are up and running and working well. I'm using a "Sign-In" Policy. However, I'm having trouble with the claims mapping functionality. I've configured the…
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Map custom OpenID Connect claim to contact attribute

I am using the OpenID Connect provider ( for authentication in Dynamics 365 portals. The Sid is automatically set as the userId. Is it possible to map…
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How to trigger webFormClientValidate in Dynamics 365 Portals

To make an evaluation on the last page of a portal, using the submit button, Microsoft provides an extension for the function "webFormClientValidate" that the submit button should…
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Filter EntityList with Liquid

Being new to liquid and entitylists, I see this as the SQL equivalent to select * from vehicle and am trying to work out how to add a where clause to make select * from vehicle where keeper = {{userid}} and for the life of me, I can't find how to…
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How to Remove comma for the last object in nested for loop?

I want to remove the comma from the last object in nested for loop: [{% for item1 in articles.results.entities %} {% for item2 in articles1.results.entities %} {% if item1.knowledgearticleid != item2.knowledgearticleid %} { …
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Chart not rendering on Partner Portal Dashboard

We are using the Portal solution with Dynamics v8. When the user logs in the charts on the dashboard does not render, it only displays "loading". The entity lists does render correctly. I am testing the Partner Dashboard Template that came OOB. …
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PowerApps Portal--> After Record is created (Insert Form) show that record as Edit Form

I have a Insert form for Account Entity. Once user create Record, I want to move to another page and show same record as Edit Form. Does anyone have idea way to achieve this?
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How to show alert or any message using liquid in Dynamic 365 portals?

I want to display an alert message or output using the liquid in the Dynamic 365 portal, Any command to show a message in the output using the portal liquid ??
2 answers

How to manage MS Dynamics 365 CRM Portal custom codes?

I would like to know how to auto manage portal's custom code just like in TFS/VSTS? At present ,I am using XRMToolbox to manage ,push or pull portal's code into CRM Instance but disadvantage is code checkin and checkout. Can anyone help me in this…
2 answers

Dynamics 365 CRM Portals. Rich-text editor missing

I work with Dynamics 365 Portals. The rich-text editor is missing, how do I get it back? I (my user) have all four webroles, including administrator. I am logged in. I have tried to clearing all cashes and reboot the portal itself. My coleagues are…
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How to deliver dynamic localized content in Dynamics 365 Customer Portal?

I am working with a Dynamics 365 Customer Self-service Portal add-on (v9.x) for a CRM Online instance and I've run into a problem trying to deliver dynamic localized content. The default language for the portal is US english which is fine for this…
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Dynamics 365 change tracking many to many relationship

Has anyone tried using change tracking for many to many relationships? Since change tracking is enabled at the entity level, I'm not sure how to set it up (if it's possible). I'm using some m:m relationships in the portal and would like the data to…
3 answers

Change page title on Dynamics 365 Portal

I'm wondering how to change the title, as in of a page in Dynamics? I tried changing the website name but to no avail.
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