Questions tagged [liblas]

libLAS is a C/C++ library for reading and writing the very common LAS LiDAR format.

libLAS is a C/C++ library for reading and writing the very common LAS LiDAR format. The ASPRS LAS format is a sequential binary format used to store data from LiDAR sensors and by LiDAR processing software for data interchange and archival. See Features for more details on what libLAS can provide a LiDAR software developer. See Getting Started with libLAS for how to get started using the library.

libLAS’ initial development was supported in 2007-2008 by the IGSB of the Iowa DNR for use in its state-wide LIDAR project. Ongoing support for libLAS is provided by a number of organizations including the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.

libLAS builds upon by Martin Isenburg and Jonathan Shewchuk of LLNL/UC Berkeley in their LAStools project to do a number of things. First, the libLAS focuses almost completely on providing an easy-to-program-with library for software developers wishing to implement the LAS specification in their own software. libLAS is a building block for developers looking to implement their own LiDAR data processing when working with ASPRS LAS data.


29 questions
1 answer

Error "specified module could not found"

I just installed the Liblas with pip: C:\Users\Geri>pip install liblas Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): liblas in c:\python27\arcgis10.2\lib\site-packages Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools…
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2 answers

laspy cannot find laszip when is installed from source. laszip is in path

I am working on a HPC environment and do not have root access. I installed laszip from source. Install laszip from source module load git git clone git checkout tags/2.0.2 cd LASzip Make files in the build…
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2 answers

How to import liblas module in Python?

I am using liblas for python to read .las file. When I enter: from liblas import file It gives me: No module named liblas. I already set up las library path in system, lasinfo is working fine. Can anyone tell me how to import las library in…
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1 answer

Floating point round off in libLAS Python API

I am trying to use libLAS Python API to write point data sets to *.las file. But I am experiencing some problems with the floats values being rounded off >>> from liblas import point >>> pt=point.Point() >>> pt.x=2.323 >>> pt.x 2.0 >>> If I set…
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3 answers

How to read a LAS file using C#

I need to read LAS file using C# and then convert it to xml using C# for my project. Any help would be appreciated. I need to read the specific headers and Data under them. The headers basically start with ~ in the LAS file. I have worked on…
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java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no mkl_rt in java.library.path

I have a java8 application in windows10 that uses smile library. When i run the LLE algorithm for example i was getting this warning: smile-netlib module is not available in the classpath. Pure Java matrix library will be employed. So I decided…
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liblas: how to get color of a point cloud's point in las format

I'm using liblas to read a point cloud in las format: f = file.File(pc_file_path, mode = 'r') Then I do a for loop on points and I retrieve the color for each point with the following code: for p in f: c = p.color print(,,…
Francesco Argese
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2 answers

Installing libLAS on docker python - No such file or directory

I'm working in python in docker, and I need to add the package libLAS. I usually just add a simple line to my dockerfile, for libLAS it would is: Run pip install liblas Docker seems to be able to build the image, but when I run a python script with…
Little geek
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0 answers

Xcode 8 - c++ - Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "liblas::Reader....."

I am currently working on a c++ project using xcode 8, and I keep getting this error: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "liblas::Reader::Reader(std::__1::basic_istream >&)", referenced from: _main in…
1 answer

C# using liblas.dll (unable to load DLL)

I need to read LAS file using C# for my project. I am using the libLAS library into my project to read a LAS file and I am getting this error: (Unable to load DLL 'liblas1.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT:…
0 answers

error : liblas/version.hpp : no such file or directory

I want to use liblas to treat some data so I installed the library on my ubuntu 13.04 at /usr/share/include , the automatic path. I have also a project on code::blocks to use this library. here is an extract of the main program : #include…
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Python: improve the efficency of my script using multiprocessing module (tips and suggestions)

I am a beginner of Python (few weeks) and recently i had read some post in Stackoverflow about multiprocessing module. Normally i work with million of points format data (*.las file. This video to understand the source of my data) and I have…
Gianni Spear
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How to fill a liblas.point.Point object using Liblas module?

I am using liblas in Python to read, manipulate and write a special point format *.las. I have a string as s = "309437.95 6959999.84 118.98 16 1 1 0 0 1 0 112.992 5.9881" Where the first is the X, the second the Y, the third element the Z etc.…
Gianni Spear
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read from numpy and save as las file

I wanna save some files in .las format and I've found this code : import laspy import numpy as np hdr = laspy.header.Header() outfile = laspy.file.File("output.las", mode="w", header=hdr) allx = np.array([1.000, 2.000, 3.000, 3.000]) # Four…
1 answer

Reading .las file, processing and displaying it with PCL

I used libLAS library to read the cloud points of a .las file. Then I stored the points in a PCL point cloud variable in order to process and display the point cloud using the Point Cloud Library. This is the code that I used: class PointCloud { …