Questions tagged [lidar]

LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is an optical remote sensing technology that measures properties of scattered light to find range and/or other information of a distant target.

If the question is not solely about programming it might be suitable on

Programming questions related to lidar geospatial data are also welcome on GIS SE.

282 questions
4 answers

Speed up python's struct.unpack

I am trying to speed up my script. It basically reads a pcap file with Velodyne's Lidar HDL-32 information and allows me to get X, Y, Z, and Intensity values. I have profiled my script using python -m cProfile ./ and it is spending…
Xavier Merino
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3 answers

ARKit 3.5 – How to export OBJ from new iPad Pro with LiDAR?

How can I export the ARMeshGeometry generated by the new SceneReconstruction API on the latest iPad Pro to an .obj file? Here's SceneReconstruction documentation.
zhou junhua
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3 answers

What is the fastest way to map group names of numpy array to indices?

I'm working with 3D pointcloud of Lidar. The points are given by numpy array that looks like this: points = np.array([[61651921, 416326074, 39805], [61605255, 416360555, 41124], [61664810, 416313743, 39900], [61664837, 416313749, 39910], [61674456,…
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1 answer

iPad Pro Lidar - Export Geometry & Texture

I would like to be able to export a mesh and texture from the iPad Pro Lidar. There's examples here of how to export a mesh, but Id like to be able to export the environment texture too ARKit 3.5 – How to export OBJ from new iPad Pro with…
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5 answers

Any good C or C++ libraries out there for dealing with large point clouds?

Basically, I'm looking for a library or SDK for handling large point clouds coming from LIDAR or scanners, typically running into many millions of points of X,Y,Z,Colour. What I'm after are as follows; Fast display, zooming, panning Point cloud…
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1 answer

Improving my quadtree design?

I have an application which is used for displaying and modifying huge volumes of point cloud data from lidar files (up to few gigabytes each, sometimes loaded in simultaneously). In the app the user is able to view a 2D image of loaded points (from…
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1 answer

Is there any way to export Point Cloud data from LiDAR iOS14?

I am new for Metal and ARkit. I started learning about Lidar and scene’s depth data to visualize the shape. Below is the link for the point cloud sample code provided by Apple…
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2 answers

Can see topic in rostopic list but cannot echo

I am working on a tele-operation mode of a mobile robot, from a control station(my laptop). Both the control station and the mobile robot is using Ubuntu 14.04, ROS Indigo. The control station and the robot is connected to the same WIFI network and…
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2 answers

How to import liblas module in Python?

I am using liblas for python to read .las file. When I enter: from liblas import file It gives me: No module named liblas. I already set up las library path in system, lasinfo is working fine. Can anyone tell me how to import las library in…
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0 answers

mesh package in R

I am looking for an R package which could provide a framework to interact with Airborne-Laster-Scanning (ALS)-data and polygon-meshes. I guess it is pretty straightforward to use RCPP for…
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1 answer

iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR API access for Safari

I'm working with WebAR reality (real-time SLAM and tracking) based on WebGL. And wondering if there any way to get access to LiDAR API and use it in the Safari browser? I couldn't find any useful info about it.
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1 answer

How can I detect the corner from 2D point cloud or Lidar scanned data?

I want to measure the room surface area( in meter square) and want to find out the floor plan using 2D-Lidar. How can I achieve this? In the picture, you can see lots of dots. Each dots represent angle and distance with respect to the Lidar…
3 answers

How to avoid using nested loops in cpp?

I am working on digital sampling for sensor. I have following code to compute the highest amplitude and the corresponding time. struct LidarPoints{ float timeStamp; float Power; } std::vector measurement; // To store Lidar points…
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2 answers

Convert XYZ point cloud to grayscale image

Everyone I'm trying to convert point cloud (X, Y, Z) to the grayscale image using python. I learned that the grayscale image could be generated by a Numpy array. But what I have now is a set of points which contains X, Y and height. I wanna generate…
Yun Zhao
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3 answers

How to convert las file to ply file?

I want to open my 3D point cloud in MATLAB. But they are in .las files. How can I display them in MATLAB??? I heard about .ply file can open 3D point data on MATLAB. So I want to know how to convert las files to ply files.
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