Questions tagged [las]

An industry-standard binary file format that maintains information related to lidar data.


LAS specification - version 1.4

Other LAS file types

Log ASCII Standard (LAS) is a standard file-format common in the oil-and-gas and water well industries to store well log information. Use the tag for questions related to Log ASCII Standard files.

23 questions
1 answer

LASTools doesn't run in QGIS 3.2 on WIN because of encoding

I have a problem with LASTools in QGIS 3.2. I installed plugin, activated it in processing menu with correct path. I tried to run lasview (I did the same process a day ago on ubuntu with WINE and everything was good), but I got only errormessage…
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LAS files - Python

I'm pretty sure this is a very menial question about LAS files, but I wasn't entirely sure how to google this. For context, I'm trying to create a plot given the information in a LAS file. import lasio as ls import pandas as pd import numpy as…
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Reading .las version 1.3 using C++, and displaying the results using pcl library

I'm fairly new to the Point Cloud world. In addition, I'm not so experienced in C++. I need to read .las files and process them using the pcl library. This is a sample file from the dataset that I need to read. I followed this youtube video.…
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How to import and perform calculation in a las files on python?

I hope you are all well. I want to handle .las files in python. These are specific ascii files for geophysical profiling. They have a header and then a series of columns containing various information. What is the best way to start? The main…
1 answer

how to add curve header to output of las.write() with

I'm using the python library and I must be missing in something in the docs. Is there a native way to add headers columns in the ~ASCII (~A) section of the output file. I need to output something like ~A DEPTH DT RHOB NPHI …
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Looking for a .las data extraction tool without need for installation or root/admin permission

I am looking for a tool, a script or something else that allow me to extract data such as position or color from a las file and use it in a javascript web app i'm writing. The tricky part here is since the thing i'm writhing must be usable by…
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Get index method in LAS/LAZ files using PDAL

I'm playing around with PDAL command line interface with point cloud files in both LAS and LAZ formats. I want to know if there is an indexing mechanism in LAZ/LAS files. Is there a way to get this using PDAL.
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How to get unique "point source ID's" for LIDAR block?

I'm trying to get information about unique flightlines appearing in a block of LIDAR data using a laspy. I have already tried running a lasInfo module for the whole block, but what I get is just a min and max point_source_ID values opposed to list…
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2 answers

How to install python pdal on Mac?

I'm installing python pdal on my new Mac. This Mac runs python 3.6 and anaconda has been already installed. While trying to install pdal using command line "pip install pdal" which is recommanded by pdal documentation, I got error msg: No such file…
Yun Zhao
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Creating pointer to read from .las binary file throws bad_alloc error

I am currently writing code to read in a .las (LIDAR point data) file. After reading in the file, I created a pointer to iterate through all the points. However, it gives me a bad_alloc error. The only thing I can think of is that header is not the…
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0 answers

How to convert las file to 3d tiles so it can render by Cesium not use cesium ion

I have las file, point data. I want to know how to convert las file to 3d tiles, so it can render by Cesium.js. There is a demo, point data render by Cesium, but is use cesium ion. I want to use in 3d tiles. Because upload las file to cesium ion is…
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Creating orthomosaic from *.las point cloud in R

Is there a way to export a *.las point cloud in R to a orthomosaic? I loaded my las-file containing the points with the package lidR. I want to export a tif which shows the point cloud from above in RGB, similar to what an orthophoto would look…
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GPS week time in .las files

I'm using a point cloud dataset that's in '.las' files. This is a link to the dataset. This is a link to a sample file from the dataset. The file contains a GPS week time for every point. The range of GPS time in the file range from 55449082.421688…
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Reading .las file, processing and displaying it with PCL

I used libLAS library to read the cloud points of a .las file. Then I stored the points in a PCL point cloud variable in order to process and display the point cloud using the Point Cloud Library. This is the code that I used: class PointCloud { …
1 answer

Reading Point Clouds from .las files

I'm working on a project that's using .las lidar files. I googled and found that PDAL can be used to convert .las to .pcd files, so that I can use the PCL library. I converted files from .las to .pcd using PDAL. When I tried to read the pcd files…