Questions tagged [lazyvgrid]

39 questions
1 answer

SwiftUI configure LazyVGrid with no spacing

I wanted to create a grid of cells with no spaces or smaller space just like the Photos app, is it possible with SwiftUI 2 LazyVGrid? I've tried it but there is always this space in-between columns. In the documentation, the spacing parameter is…
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How to use GeometryReader within a LazyVGrid

I'm building a grid with cards which have an image view at the top and some text at the bottom. Here is the swift UI code for the component: struct Main: View { var body: some View { ScrollView { LazyVGrid(columns:…
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Center the last row in a LazyVGrid

In a LazyVGrid, I show data coming from the server (here I'm using the alphabet as an example), and my goal is to show the last row in a center instead of leading if the last row contains less than 3 items. Is it doable? Currently, it looks like…
Harshil Patel
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How do I correctly pass a "cell item" to a .sheet from a SwiftUI LazyVGrid?

Here is my example, and I can't tell if this is a bug or not. All my cells load correctly, but when I try to bring up the DetailView() as a sheet, the item pased in is always whatevr item is shown first in the grid (in the top left in my case here),…
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LazyVGrid, List, LazyStacks don't release views from memory?

I'm playing around with the new photo picker in SwiftUI 2 and I made a simple app to show the imported images in a LazyVGrid but when scrolling down, if I imported around 150 images the app finish all the memory and it crashes (Terminated due to…
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How to make LazyVGrid not to be lazy?

Inside my ScrollView, there is LazyVGrid view on the top of other View. After scrolling to bottom, when I scroll to top slowly, I notice that LazyVGrid view disappears for a while. Here is my snapshot ( struct…
Dscyre Scotti
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How to make SwiftUI Text multilineTextAlignment start from Top and Center

How can I make the image and text alignment same as 3 other in SwiftUI LazyVGrid as I expected in image below? I think the problem is how to make the text start from top if the text is multiline. In Android I can use gravity="top|center" but in…
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SwiftUI grid with column that fits content?

Is this layout possible with SwiftUI? I want the first column to wrap the size of the labels, so in this case it will be just big enough to show "Bigger Label:". Then give the rest of the space to the second column. This layout is pretty simple…
Rob N
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SwiftUI: Displaying variable length strings in a LazyVGrid

I'm trying to construct a vertical grid of strings that have variable lengths to be displayed side by side to each other (such as a collection of social media tags), as follows: struct ContentView: View { let data = ["first text", "second…
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SwiftUI & CoreData: How to count number of "true" booleans and display result in VGrid

I created a CoreData Entity called Event with its attributes category ( String) and isBlack (Bool). I also created a Button & a VGrid (Xcode 12 beta). The button, upon clicked, adds and saves some entries to CoreData. I have a @FetchRequest and a…
Mike Z
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Not able to run Grid views in swift ui

Xcode Version - 12.5 Swift Version - 5.4 code (ContentView.swift) When I try to run this code I get and error in SceneDelegate.swift as follows
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Is it possible to build a simple collection of flexible Views in SwiftUI using Grid?

What I'm trying to build is really very simple and common component. Here's the design: Here's the code that I've tried till now: struct ContentView: View { var tags: [String] var body: some View { LazyVGrid(columns:…
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How to create a 2 column grid with square shaped cells in SwiftUI

I'm trying to replicate this UI in SwiftUI using a Grid. I created the cell like this. struct MenuButton: View { let title: String let icon: Image var body: some View { Button(action: { print(#function) …
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Dynamically add cells to SwiftUI LazyGrid

How to dynamically add cells (not columns) to some LazyVGrid in SwiftUI? The following code should add 1 cell by clicking the button. It compiles but doesn't work. What I a missing? import SwiftUI struct GridContent: Identifiable { var id =…
1 answer

SwiftUI Thread 1: Fatal error: each layout item may only occur once

This little code is showing articles from an API with 2 columns with scrollview on ArticleView. Unfortunately after the 6th loadMoreContentIfNeeded it gives me hard time with this error Thread 1: Fatal error: each layout item may only occur once I…
Mert Köksal
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