Questions tagged [lazyvgrid]

39 questions
1 answer

How to drag across Views in a LazyVGrid with GeometryReader?

I want to drag across rectangles in a grid and change their color. This code is almost working, but this is not always the right rectangle that reacts: it behaves rather randomly. Any hints? import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { let data =…
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SwiftUI LazyVGrid NavigationLink has unusual animation on return

I have a NavigationLink within a LazyVGrid and am getting this animation on return from the details view. Starting at about 3.5 seconds into that video, there is an animation I wasn't expecting. There are gaps introduced between the cells and I…
Chris Prince
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SwiftUI - contextMenu on LazyVGrid cell causing animation crash when Map present

I have a LazyVGrid and a NavigationBarItem button that changes the number of columns. It cycles through 1, 2, 3 then back to 1, etc. I use the .animation(.default) modifier to animate this change. When there is just one column I use a different cell…
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Why does putting a view in a Button result in terrible lag on LazyVGrid (bug?)?

Here is my code. Without the button, but with an onTapGesture, the scrolling is buttery smooth. Great! But if I put the Text() view in a button, then the lag is really, really bad, hanging even a bit... This is simplified code. In my actual project,…
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SwiftUI - Constructing a LazyVGrid with expandable views

I'm trying to construct a two-column grid of quadratic views from an array of colors where one view expands to the size of four small views when clicked. Javier from gave me kind of a breakthrough with the idea of adding Color.clear…
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I can't get my LazyVGrid to show more than two rows

So I've got this very basic grid. It's 5 columns and should have 3 rows. But I can't get the compiler to compile anything more than two rows.... The compiler complains : 'Extra arguments at positions #11, #12, #13, #14, #15 in call' If I remove Text…
Tycho Pandelaar
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Preview crashed after added LazyVGrid

I am learning Stanford CS193p, and everything went so well till switching LazyVGrid with HStack. I checked my code with the one professor made, they are the same. But the confusing part of my code is that, when my emojiCount = 4, preview worked…
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SwiftUI: LazyVGrid not spacing properly

I am following Apple's WWDC2020 SwiftUI video "What's new in SwiftUI" This one: I have opened this video in Apple's "Apple Developer" App, which provides the demo code. I just copied this…
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Why does my SwiftUI Grid not adapt to the space available?

Why does my SwiftUI Grid not adapt to the space available? And how can I fix it? I tried to follow and modify the code from Apple's WWDC video "Stacks, Grids, and Outlines in SwiftUI". import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some…
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EditButton() in SwiftUI inside a ScrollView / LazyVGrid

It seems like the EditButton() in SwiftUI (Xcode 12.5 beta 3) has various issues. In my code, everything was working fine until I replaced the List with a ScrollView and added a LazyVGrid. Now, when a user taps on the EditButton, EditMode is not…
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SwiftUI LazyVGrid lags with images

When I scroll my LazyVGrid, app lags a lot. LazyVGrid( columns: [ GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: horizontalSizeClass == .compact ? 160:320, maximum: 320), spacing: 16, alignment: .top) ],spacing: 16 ){ ForEach(viewModel.articles){…
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matchedGeometryEffect on ScrollView memory leaks

Im using a LazyVGrid to show an article gallery. Everything is working fine, and I have no memory warnings, because every time a view leaves screen, memory usage is reduced. My problem is when I use matchedGeometryEffect with the image, in order to…
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SwiftUI LazyVGrid dynamic row height

I would like to have a LazyVGrid of rows with same heights expanding/shrinking to fill the available parent height Is it possible? let columns = Array(repeating: GridItem(.flexible(minimum: 50, maximum: 100)), count: 3) LazyVGrid(columns: columns,…
Simon Borkin
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Dismiss a View in SwiftUI when parent is re-rendered

Using iOS14.4, Swift5.3.2, XCode12.2, I try to dismiss a SwiftUI's GridView (see below code). The dismiss function is done by the \.presentationMode property of the @Environment as explained here. Everything works until the moment where I introduced…
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Add multiple LazyVGrid to ScrollView

I have an app that displays collections of thumbnails by days, each day is its own LazyVGrid and all days are bunched up in a VStack. Bottom line, it looks like adding multiple LazyVGrid in a single ScrollView almost works... but doesn't. It causes…
Yann Bizeul
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