Questions tagged [lazyhgrid]

6 questions
1 answer

How to make SwiftUI Text multilineTextAlignment start from Top and Center

How can I make the image and text alignment same as 3 other in SwiftUI LazyVGrid as I expected in image below? I think the problem is how to make the text start from top if the text is multiline. In Android I can use gravity="top|center" but in…
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SwiftUI: How to make GridItem pushing out to fill the available space

I would like to create a grid with 24 Items in 4 rows, so each row should have 6 items. All items should be equally sized but fill the whole space available, no matter what device the grid is rendered on. I already achieved a flexible height for the…
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0 answers

Is it possible to build a simple collection of flexible Views in SwiftUI using Grid?

What I'm trying to build is really very simple and common component. Here's the design: Here's the code that I've tried till now: struct ContentView: View { var tags: [String] var body: some View { LazyVGrid(columns:…
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2 answers

Problem with formatting LazyHGrid - SwiftUI

I am trying to create a basic lazyHGrid but after looking at a couple of different tutorials online I still can't manage to build it properly. I am trying to make a grid that is filled with rectangles with symbols and text inside those rectangles.…
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1 answer

SwiftUI How do I record the index of the grid item that is currently being displayed on CollectionView?

I am trying to have a scrolling horizontal list of items, where each item takes up almost the full screen width (UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 50). There should be just enough of the next item visible for the user to know there is something to…
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Building a lazy grid with rows and columns - SwiftUI

I am wanting to create a view in my app which acts basically as a table. I believe a lazy grid is the best way to do this in iOS 14, I'm just not sure what I am doing with them. The sort of table I want to create is pictured below: Each of the rows…
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