Questions tagged [jql]

JIRA Query Language (JQL) is used to perform advanced searches within JIRA.

JQL allows users to perform an advanced search using structured queries within JIRA. JIRA is a issue tracking product, developed by Atlassian, used for bug tracking, issue tracking and project management.

A simple query in JQL (also known as a 'clause') consists of a field, followed by an operator, followed by one or more values or functions. For example, the following simple query will find all issues in the "TEST" project:

project = "TEST"


414 questions
3 answers

Jira JQL that returns date of status change

I'm trying to use JQL to measure cycle times (the Control Chart has other issues), so I need to get the date that an issue changed status. I see that one can use the CHANGED keyword to filter issues that have changed status on certain dates, but I…
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3 answers

List all JIRA tasks that are not blocked by other tasks

Using JIRA 4.4.3, I've created a filter that list all the tasks that: - The current user is assigned to; - are Open; - are not blocked by any other task. To make it clear: the task that are ready for a user to work on. We've installed the Craftforge…
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4 answers

JIRA JQL - Find issues with more than X days in Status

I want to show all issues where it has been in a current status for more than X days - is this possible? We have this workflow: Registered => Analyze => Planned ... etc. The ticket can be in Registered for 3 weeks and it can be 3 weeks in Analyze…
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1 answer

JIRA JQL: coloring cards by blocked status

I'm trying to use the "Card colors" feature of JIRA Agile, plus the ScriptRunner plugin, to color blocked cards on a JIRA agile board. My definition of "blocked" is: ticket has a value for the "Blocked" field or is linked to an unresolved ticket in…
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3 answers

filter to retrieve all the JIRA issues where I was mentioned in the last 7 days in a comment

I'm trying to setup a JIRA filter to find all the mentions of me(currentUser()) in the last 7 days. I'm close with the search below, but it still gives me all issues that mentioned me AND were updated in the last 7 days. Which is a lot more. :) I…
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JIRA On-Demand Querying by parent

I'm using the On Demand version of Jira. I need a filter that will show me: All issues within a particular epic AND all sub tasks of those issues. So effectively: Epic Story 1 Sub Task 1 Sub Task 2 Defect 1 Story 2 Sub Task 3 Sub Task…
Paul Fleming
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5 answers

JIRA JQL: Issues resolved in the current sprint

I would like to be able to filter for issues that are have been resolved in the current sprint. Generally this would be used to prevent issues resolved in a previous sprint but delayed in testing (not reopened) showing up when we are discussing what…
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3 answers

JQL for "Issues added to sprint after start time"

In the sprint report jira reports that any issue with a * on it has been added after the sprint started. How can i get the JQL for that?
Pratik Khadloya
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2 answers

Is it possible to search JIRA for a list of subtasks whose parents are found in a different query?

I have a filter to return a group of parent tasks based on some criteria. I can use this as a group of issues to search further using filter = FilterName What I would like to be able to do is to use this in the parent field search in something…
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4 answers

How to make a JQL query for issues with multiple components

I'd like to query all issues in JIRA that are associated with more than 1 component. Is that feasible in JQL, and how?
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1 answer

Querying JIRA to Produce Counts of Issues by Different Type

Suppose I have the following JIRA filter. project = XXX AND resolution = Unresolved AND assignee in (EMPTY) ORDER BY Type asc, priority desc I use it to see all unassigned issues in a certain project and pull from for triage. Every now-and-then, I…
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1 answer

How to count the number of comments in JIRA

I want to create an Issue Filter that shows me the number of comments per issue, and then sorts by that. I tried something like: project = "myProject" AND created >= 2012-06-01 AND created < 2012-08-01 ORDER BY count(comment) I'm on JIRA 4.2. How…
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3 answers

JIRA JQL - search for issues where custom field does not exist

I added a new custom field "Deferred to Date". Because custom fields are optional, none of the existing issues have it. Now I want a JQL search query for all issues where the deferred date is null (doable) or the deferred date field doesn't exist…
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1 answer

Custom sort order of jira workflow statuses in a filter using JQL

I know you can change the order statuses are displayed by admin > issues > statuses and sort order but I'd prefer to order the results in my jql with certain statuses at the top and a specific order. Is it possible to order how statuses appear in a…
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4 answers

Jira search all issues in a project with status Done or Closed

I am trying to list all isues in a project with status Done or Closed. When I run a JQL-query with advanced search I get: 3096 issues in the project. However when I run it with python I get around 50 issues. #/usr/bin/python import jira.client from…
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