I'm trying to use JQL to measure cycle times (the Control Chart has other issues), so I need to get the date that an issue changed status. I see that one can use the CHANGED keyword to filter issues that have changed status on certain dates, but I see no way to actually list the date of the change as a column.

Any ideas? How would you guys address this lack of visibility into cycle time data?

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3 Answers3


There is no simple solution available in JIRA at the moment. See the issue https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-12825 for the whole discussion. The argumentation of Atlassian is the following:

  • There exists a product Service Desk that implements the SLA feature expressed here.
  • There are reports and additional plugins available that give similar information to this. See the JIRA Suite Utilities which give you a UI for each issue to see the transition summary.
  • JQL (JIRA Query Language) was intended to select all issues that match a query, not to select special information to these issues. You have to use the configuration of the table, if it is included there as a field of the issue (which it is not).
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  • Thanks, @mliebelt for the detailed answer. Yeah, that's what I want to do - buy ANOTHER product from them to get a simple piece of info on a field that they encouraged me to use! Anyway, luckily we've switched from Kanban to Scrum in the meantime, but I maintain that Jira completely sucks for Kanban - I could never figure out a way to get decent metrics on my team members. – ScottEdwards2000 Dec 26 '14 at 20:12
  • I use the Kanban board of JIRA all the time, but for my personal Kanban process. There it fits much better than Scrum, because I can control the load on myself. I don't care about the metrics, though. – mliebelt Dec 29 '14 at 11:53

In addition to the suggestions from mliebelt there is another at https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/128370/how-to-capture-date-of-state-change-in-jira. It requires JIRA Misc Workflow Extenstions and uses the "Copy value from field to field" function to capture the transition date in a custom field.

Wayne Johnston
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  • Thanks, @wayne-johnston - nice to know another way. Crazy that Jira supports Kanban so poorly out of the box - so clear that they are very scrum-biased. – ScottEdwards2000 May 01 '16 at 18:08

There is a plugin in Atlassian Marketplace called Time in Status just for that purpose. The plugin prepares a report on how much time each issue spent on each status or assignee.

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