Questions tagged [jira-agile]

Jira Agile, formerly known as Jira Greenhopper, is the Agile taskboard, planning and reporting add-on for Jira. It integrates into Confluence as well and together these products provide a complete solution for agile development and documentation management.

Jira Agile, formerly known as Jira Greenhopper, is the Agile taskboard, planning and reporting add-on for Jira. It integrates into Confluence as well and together these products provide a complete solution for agile development and documentation management.

229 questions
4 answers

JIRA: Epics vs Labels vs Components

This blog has a definition of epics in JIRA: Epics are significantly larger bodies of work. Epics are feature-level work that encompasses many user stories. Using the above example, an epic might be the entire account management feature and the…
Adam Parkin
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2 answers

JIra + Greenhopper - how to do Agile correctly

I am new to the Agile flow in JIRA + Greenhopper. I am trying to understand what is the correct/better way to work Agile in JIRA + GH. I've read on the net for some information - so far, I understand we have Stories and Epics (which are LARGE…
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1 answer

Jira's Lexorank algorithm for new stories

I am looking to create a large list of items that allows for easy insertion of new items and for easily changing the position of items within that list. When updating the position of an item, I want to change as few fields as possible regarding the…
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In Jira Agile when should I use a "Story" and when should I use an "Improvement"

We just started using Jira (with the Jira Agile plugin - Scrum template) for our issue tracker and agile planning. I am confused about the difference (or intended difference) between story and improvement. All our "stuff" is written as stories.…
Kyle West
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How do you create user stories and tasks in Jira / GreenHopper?

We are using Jira / GreenHopper to run our sprints on a Scrum team. The fact that Jira is a bug tracking tool and GreenHopper is a Scrum-ish add-on is becoming painfully apparent. We want our Product Owner to enter user stories in Jira/GreenHopper…
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3 answers

How to get all sprints in project using JIRA REST API

Is there anything something like "", to retrieve all the sprints in a project. JIRA platform api can retrieve projects info and JIRA software API can retrieve sprints for a given board.…
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4 answers

How to integrate Jira with GitLab CE?

We have self hosted GitLab CE and Jira, we want link git commit with jira issue link git commit with jira issue status, like we can start/move/close issue by git issues limit above operations on specific branches, e.g., change issue status only…
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1 answer

How to get JIRA Agile issues assigned to the current sprint for the current user using the JIRA REST API?

I'm getting started working with the JIRA REST API. I've learned how to get all the issues assigned to the current user: rest/api/2/search?jql=assignee=currentuser() I am trying to filter those by the current sprint. I think this…
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1 answer

"Days in column" dots explanation

I'm trying to work out the logic behind the Days in Column dots on JIRA boards but can't quite get it right. It's almost the following: A grey dot is 1 day An orange dot is 2 days A red dot is 3 days Only show dots for up to 12 days But those…
Rich Jenks
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4 answers

How to manage story points when there are a number of tasks?

I am trying to get my head around how story points are assigned to sub tasks and how the story points are managed in Jira. I have a user story which we have estimated at 25 points. A developer will take this user story and split it up in to a…
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5 answers

How do I change sort order for release versions in JIRA/Greenhopper planning?

I've created several release versions in JIRA (the closest thing I could find to a "sprint" functionality) but I cannot for the life of me figure out how it decides what order to put them in, nor how to change it. I thought maybe it would sort them…
2 answers

Jira software: trigger a script on release?

I'd like, on "Release" button pressed, to trigger a server-side script of my own. I don't need to use big thing like Jenkins, I just need to run a simple script. I looked into the documentation and found "Listeners" on earlier versions, but there is…
Constantin Guay
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5 answers

JIRA JQL: Issues resolved in the current sprint

I would like to be able to filter for issues that are have been resolved in the current sprint. Generally this would be used to prevent issues resolved in a previous sprint but delayed in testing (not reopened) showing up when we are discussing what…
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2 answers

In Jira, how can I make "Log work hours" a mandatory field when I resolve an issue?

When I in the agile board move an issue from "In Progress" to "Done", I want to be prompted to log how many hours I've worked on that issue. Right now, I just get a message "CRM-123 was resolved". I want a modal/popup with mandatory "Log work hours"…
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3 answers

How to display story points on cards on GreenHopper Kanban?

I'm considering switching from scrum to Kanban template on JIRA GreenHopper. user Story Cards on kanban style work mode does not show user points : How can I change it to this :
Nicolas Henin
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