Questions tagged [jedi]

The JEDI (Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators) project is a large open-source library of Windows API translations, visual and non-visual components, and other useful classes and libraries.

163 questions
1 answer

How to properly setup Jedi with elpy in emacs?

I am using emacs with elpy as mode for working with python code. I have also installed Jedi for, mainly, two things: go to definition functionality it provides and autocompletion. However, I have run into the following problems with this…
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How can I make emacs-jedi use project-specific virtualenvs

I would like emacs-jedi to detect when I am editing files in different projects, and use the corresponding virtualenv if it is available. By convention my virtualenvs have the same name as my projects. They are located in $HOME/.virtualenvs/ I found…
Robert Kajic
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1 answer

JEDI JCL Compression library wont open spanned archive files

Summary: I am having trouble to get the JCL compression library to open any spanned archives. It presents the error "(0000001) Incorrect Function" as defined in borlands 'windows.pas'; scenerios: A single archive compressed using the JCL compression…
3 answers

Autocomplete for Automation objects in VS Code and Python

I have the Python Extensions for Windows installed. Within the PythonWin IDE I can get autocomplete on Automation objects (specifically, objects created with win32com.client.Dispatch): How can I get the same autocomplete in VS Code? I am using the…
Zev Spitz
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2 answers

Error in JCL installation into Delphi 10 Seattle

I am trying to install JCL/JVCL into Delphi-10-Seattle I got the following Error: Using Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 30.0... E:\Delphi-10\Jedi\jcl\source\common\JclSysUtils.pas(3034) Error:…
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2 answers

Where do I find the bpl file after I compile a package?

I want to create *.bpl file but I am failing to do so. Specifically, I am trying to make JEDI plugins, but I have tried an empty pure Delphi package, too. If I create a new package in Delphi XE3, I get an empty unit - if I "make" this project called…
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2 answers

Delphi - Trying to get StackTrace for an exception

I have an exception logger that logs all exceptions to a log file: class function TLogger.LogException (ACaller: String; E: Exception): Boolean; var LogFilename, tmp: string; LogFile: TextFile; appsettings: TApplicationSettings; begin //…
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2 answers

emacs elpy/jedi code completion: popup window not working properly

I am using elpy/jedi for code completion. As you can see in the images, when the popup opens is broken. It looks like two different windows are open at the same time (could the second one be auto-complete ???). The one is python suggestions and the…
George B.
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3 answers

Can virtualenv be avoided when using Emacs Jedi (in Anaconda)?

I'm using the Anaconda python framework. Anaconda has it's own virtual environment system, and it's not clear to me if virtualenv can be used safely with Anaconda. Emacs Jedi seems to require virtualenv. Is it used at "runtime" or is it used only…
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1 answer

emacs jedi doesn't work

I'm trying to find the solution for days, but I didn't get it yet. So, if you guys could help me I'd appreciate it. I've been using emacs to code in Python, I'm a very beginner using emacs, so, I decided to install the autocomplete Jedi feature. In…
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2 answers

How to redirect binary gbak output to a Delphi stream?

I want the Firebird backup tool gbak to write its output to a Delphi stream (with no intermediate file). There is a command line parameter to write to stdout rather than a file. I then use the Execute method in JEDI's JclSysUtils to launch gbak and…
Thijs van Dien
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1 answer

run-time evaluation of values in DelphiWebScript

My delphi application runs scripts using JvInterpreter (from the Jedi project). A feature I use is runtime evaluation of expressions. Script Example: [...] ShowMessage(X_SomeName); [...] JvInterpreter doesn't know X_SomeName. When X_SomeName's…
1 answer

How to serialize Delphi TObjectList type to XML with TJvAppXMLFileStorage?

Previously, to save the settings of some applications, I used: A TSettings = class(TPersistent) for the container Each data to serialize in a published property List of object were TCollection and TCollectionItem types The TJvAppXMLFileStorage…
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1 answer

Can the JEDI Code Library, Delphi IDE menu item (JCL Options...), be moved?

Is there a way to move the Delphi IDE menu item Tools->JCL Options..., to the bottom of the tools menu?
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1 answer

Looking for an event scheduler for Delphi?

I was recently looking at TJvScheduledEvents that comes with the JVCL library because I have a need for a dynamic scheduler in a Delphi application. Initially this looked to fit the bill, but I have run into some concerns. Limited documentation…
Tim Koscielski
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