Questions tagged [delphi-10-seattle]

Delphi 10 Seattle is a specific version of Delphi released in August 2015

Delphi 10.0 Seattle supports development of applications covering Windows 32-bit and 64-bit, 32-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit, and 32-bit. Windows applications may be built using either the framework or the (FMX) framework, whereas the rest of the supported platforms are built under the Firemonkey framework only.

Always use the tag alongside this tag.

612 questions
3 answers

Why can't I assign my function reference to a matching variable? E2555 is raised

I'm trying to build an custom comparer which allows the assignment of the comparison function to an internal field. In order to ease the creation of the comparer, I tried to add a constructor-like class function Construct which initializes the…
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1 answer

Store array in TQueue possible?

Having problem storing an array in a TQueue. Any idea where I go wrong? Code works fine in Delphi XE 5 but not in Delphi 10 Seattle. (I can't decide if this is a bug or how it should work. Tried searching embarcadero for clues but…
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1 answer

DCPcrypt Hashing German Umlauts

I am using DCPcrypt and SHA512 to hash strings. I am using the version by Warren Postma It is working fine. However it failes with german umlauts like ä, ö, ü and probably other unicodes. I am using the…
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4 answers

Reporting memory leaks on shutdown with a console application

I've created a console application and set ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True. I've created a TStringList but did not free it. When the program finishes executing, I see the memory leak for a brief second but then the console closes. I've tried…
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1 answer

Why does a call to GetDIBits fail on Win64?

I have a call to GetDIBits that works perfectly in 32-bit, but fails on 64-bit. Despite the different values for the handles the content of the bitmapinfo structure are the same. Here is the smallest (at least slightly structured) code example I…
Uwe Raabe
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1 answer

How to reset the download when the GetIt package manager fails?

I tried to download the OmniThread lib via GetIt when Delphi crashed. Other packages downloaded, compiled and installed just fine, so I guess it's a once off. Now GetIt refuses to install OmniThread, because it sees the partial download, assumes all…
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1 answer

Isn't it dangerous to use the Longint count with the Int64 size in

I was examining the TMemoryStream class and found the following routine: procedure TMemoryStream.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); var Count: Longint; begin Stream.Position := 0; Count := Stream.Size; // <-- assigning Int64 to Longint …
Nasreddine Galfout
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1 answer

How to work around Delphi 10's bug with TList<_AnyDynamicArrays_>?

I stumbled upon a bug in Delphi 10 Seattle Update 1. Lets take the following code : procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //----------We crash here---------------- FList.Items[0] := SplitString('H:E', ':'); end; procedure…
Ken Bourassa
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1 answer

Delphi 10 Seattle and 10.1 Berlin not able to debug COM DLL

I have a COM DLL project, and I am able to debug it (stop at breakpoints) in Delphi 2007 and XE8. However, it seems to not be possible for the IDE to stop at breakpoints in Delphi 10 Seattle or 10.1 Berlin. My steps of debugging: Change to DEBUG…
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1 answer

Is there a difference between TParallel.&For and TParallel.For?

Is there a difference between TParallel.&For and TParallel.For ? Both can be compiled in Delphi 10 Seattle. so which one should I stick to?
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1 answer

Inconsistent Results with exAllArithmeticExceptions in Win32 and Win64

A colleague of mine picked up a discrepancy between Win32 and Win64 code compiled by Delphi in how it handles NaN's. Take the following code as an example. When compiled in 32 bit we get no messages but when compiled with 64 bit we get both…
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1 answer

Local variable broken by closure capture when accessed in nested method

I've managed to reduce this problem to this : program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Threading; procedure Foo(AString: string); var LTask : ITask; capturedString : string; procedure Nested; begin try …
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1 answer

Memory Leak in Windows 10 TNotification in Delphi Seattle?

I'm implementing Windows 10 Notification in my application. However, the code below (which runs fine) apparently give a memo leak of 1 TNotification object and 2 strings, yet I free the object at the end of the block: aNotification :=…
Steve Maughan
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1 answer

Delphi 10 Seattle changes to Win32 GetPath and redundant TPoint and _POINTL record types

I am trying to port some code that works in Delphi XE8 to Delphi 10 Seattle. This code calls the GetPath function in Winapi.Windows. The new Win32 API function signature is: function GetPath(DC: HDC; Points: PPointL; Types: PByte; nSize: Integer):…
Warren P
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2 answers

Unable to pass empty string into non-null database field

I'm stumped on something which should be very straight-forward. I have a SQL Server database, and I'm trying to update a non-nullable varchar or nvarchar field with an empty string. I know it's possible, because an empty string '' is not the same…
Jerry Dodge
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