Questions tagged [jdo]

Java Data Objects (JDO) is a standard way to access persistent data in databases, using plain old Java objects (POJO) to represent persistent data. It is designed to be datastore-agnostic, allowing persistence to, potentially, any type of datastore

Java Data Objects (JDO) is a Java specification for accessing, persisting, and managing data between Java objects / classes and a datastore. JDO 1.0 (2002) defined the basic API, JDO 2.0 (2006) included a comprehensive definition of ORM as well as other enhancements, and JDO 3.0 (2009) added on annotations, as well as APIs for fetch groups and metadata. It is the most complete specification for Java persistence around

1153 questions
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JDO app engine: exception thrown when trying to persist class's List member

I am running the following JDO code on an app engine server. I am getting the following error message: org.datanucleus.jdo.exceptions.ClassNotPersistenceCapableException: The class "The class "java.util.ArrayList" is not persistable. This means that…
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javax.jdo.JDODetachedFieldAccessException JDO app engine

I am getting the following error: javax.jdo.JDODetachedFieldAccessException: You have just attempted to access field "admin" yet this field was not detached when you detached the object. Either dont access this field, or detach it when detaching the…
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2 answers

makePersistent failing with JDO

I have the following code deployed to an app engine server (the only place where I can test JDO, unfortunately I cannot test JDO locally because I don't have a local BigTable implementation). final class PMF { private static final…
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Guice persistence with JDO - weird NPE

I am using Guice with JDO and Datanucleus in my desktop app. I am facing a NPE that I can't fix, so I hope someone can help me :) I am using properly configured H2 db, with schema created and all my classes are nicely enhanced, so it's not that.…
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JDO Batch PUT from Memcache

In an effort to reduce the number of datastore PUTs I am consuming I wish to use the memcache much more frequently. The idea being to store entities in the memcache for n minutes before writing all entities to the datastore and clearing the…
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JAVA Google App Engine, JDO select specific data and do summ on all (like excel)

I am new to GAE and my skill level in JAVA is novice to intermediate somehow.. So I need help on retriving a specific filed that is an integer from JDO, and on that do the sum all, like in excel where you select all numbers and do auto sum. Hope is…
1 answer

Example for owned One-To-Many relationships in appengine JDo

I'm new with appengine and JDo only i want an example for implementing owned one to many relationships
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Datanucleus/JDO InstanceLifecycleListener for makeTransient (or LOAD by query)

I have a problem that i need to solve using DATANUCLEUS (JDO), maybe a limitation of something that was not covered by JDO specs. I need to catch when objects are loaded in a Query - there is NO InstanceLifecycleListener for this! (Queried objects…
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How to remove discriminators from where clause in request?

I have a parent class declared like that: @PersistenceCapable(table = "S_ROT_CLASS") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE) @Discriminator(strategy = DiscriminatorStrategy.VALUE_MAP, column = "CLASS_ID", value =…
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datanucleus - Attempting to illegally override the primary-key

I am using datanucleus JDO API for persisting objects. my orm file looks like this:
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Google app engine JDOQL get all entries starting with a letter

I am trying to write a google app engine JDO query for selecting all users who's name starts with "a". I saw a method for doing this called startsWith() in data nucleus documentation. But it is not working in google app engine. Is there any work…
Sumodh S
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Datanucleus: embedded update object creates a new one

I'm having issues while trying to update objects with datanucleus (JDO). The problem instead of updating an existing object, it creates new ones along with new embedded data. This is my…
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JDO - Configure the meta-data descriptor

Is it possible to configure the JDO XML meta-data descriptor file in a dynamic way ? (For example, depending on an external flag, etc) ? To be more precise, I want to add an index to a table, but the client should "approve" before altering the…
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4 answers

SEVERE: Context initialization failed and org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException

I new for spring mvc and jdo and I try to learn I got error of HTTP ERROR 503 Problem accessing /add. Reason: org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 11 in XML document from ServletContext resource…
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1 answer

What does setting SubclassFetchMode (Kodo OpenJPA) actually do?

What does setting SubClassFetchMode e.g. to EAGER_PARALLEL actually do? Why would one want a subclass to have a different FetchMode? The implementation spec for KODO and OpenJPA is notoriously bad and I can't figure it out.
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