
I have a parent class declared like that:

@PersistenceCapable(table = "S_ROT_CLASS")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE)
@Discriminator(strategy = DiscriminatorStrategy.VALUE_MAP, column = "CLASS_ID", value = "300")
@FetchGroup(name = Constants.LAZY_LOAD_GROUP_FETCH_PLAN, members = { @Persistent(name = "classId"),
        @Persistent(name = "objId") })
public class DBObject {

    @Persistent(dependent = "false")
    @Column(name = "S_ROT_CREATE_USR_ID")
    private DBUser createdBy;

    @Persistent(dependent = "false")
    @Column(name = "S_ROT_USR_ID")
    private DBUser lastUpdateBy;

    @Column(name = "CLASS_ID")
    @Extension(vendorName = "datanucleus", key = "insertable", value = "false")
    @Extension(vendorName = "datanucleus", key = "updateable", value = "false")
    private long classId;

    @Column(name = "OBJ_ID")
    private long objId;

   public DBObject() {

    //with getters and setters

and some inherited classes like this one:

public class DBUserGroup extends DBObject{

    private long classId330;

    private long objType330;
 public DBUserGroup(){

//with getters and setters

For no reason, Datanucleus uses the discrimnator in the where clause of the sql requests that he generates like this one:

 WHERE ( (   A0.CLASS_ID = '300'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '1230985'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '44267844'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '44267843'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '1230798'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '6744896'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '44267842'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '1230719'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '39132351'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '150031398'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '65607622'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '1230818'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '1230795'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '1230744'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '104595125'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '18699812'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '44303147'
          OR A0.CLASS_ID = '44303146'))
       AND A0.S_ROT_CREATE_USR_ID = 125874

How can I say to Datanucleus to not use the discriminator (classId) in his requests?

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1 Answers1


There is a very good reason why a discriminator is added by default to such queries ... because you defined a discriminator on that class (and subclasses/superclasses), and also because your query may not include all classes in that inheritance tree. Similarly, what if you are persisting some data into those tables and using different discriminator values to isolate that data from what your JDO layer uses?

Certainly in the docs for version 5.2 I see a query extension (dont-restrict-discriminator) that can be used to override the default. No idea whether that is in earlier versions.

  • Your link was welcome. It helped me a lot. But for me and after debugging datanucleus code I've found that what was needed was : query.addExtension("datanucleus.query.excludeSubclasses", "true"); In the code nothing can was linked to "dont-restrict-discriminator". But I didn't performed enough test yet to be sure of the best way to do it. – padpanik Nov 28 '18 at 08:34
  • `datanucleus.excludeSubclasses` is for use with JPA (which you're allegedly not using); with JDOQL you just put "EXCLUDE SUBCLASSES" in the JDOQL! `dont-restrict-discriminator` works fine for me –  Nov 28 '18 at 08:50
  • Perhaps it is a version problem. Are you using 5.2.0-m2 version? – padpanik Nov 28 '18 at 10:02