Questions tagged [jdo]

Java Data Objects (JDO) is a standard way to access persistent data in databases, using plain old Java objects (POJO) to represent persistent data. It is designed to be datastore-agnostic, allowing persistence to, potentially, any type of datastore

Java Data Objects (JDO) is a Java specification for accessing, persisting, and managing data between Java objects / classes and a datastore. JDO 1.0 (2002) defined the basic API, JDO 2.0 (2006) included a comprehensive definition of ORM as well as other enhancements, and JDO 3.0 (2009) added on annotations, as well as APIs for fetch groups and metadata. It is the most complete specification for Java persistence around

1153 questions
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JDOFatalUserException : Illegal argument (debug as google web application)

I'm getting an Illegal argument , but I can't figure out why. this is the part of my code (modifynews.jsp) : <% String newsid=request.getParameter("newsid"); String query = "select from " + news.class.getName()+" where id…
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@Unowned orm annotation in datanucleus-appengine 2.0

What is the .jdo xml equivalent of @Unowned annotation? If I leave an @Unowned annotation inside my domain class, will mysql orm of that class be affected in any way?
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Class not persistence?

I'm trying to store in the GAE DB a class which some of its fields are classes themselves. Just before going into more details I want to say it worked just fine before I added these new class field. So, I followed the documentation here:…
Bar Mako
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How to enable logging for a Datanucleus application based on Maven?

My question is pretty straightforward. Given the following POM: org.datanucleus maven-datanucleus-plugin
Ariel Chelsău
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getting null pointer exception when executing query in google app engine

i am using google app engine with gwt. i have two class question and vote when i am accessing vote by querying on question it gives me null pointer exception. my class are as…
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max and min function in google app engine using jdo

been trying to retrieve records with max values and min values in google appengine using JDO, i understand that its not supported..does anybody have an idea to carry out this query against entities in a datastore...below is my…
1 answer

Could JDO talk to a SOAP service?

I've used JPA for a while. Having an entityManager that performs your SQL operations is great. I've noticed that JDO (DataNucleous) goes beyond JPA and brings persistence to other datasources, XML among those Not sure if I grasped the concept…
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Converting a JDO query to Objectify query

I've been thinking on how to covert this JDO query to Objectify query but so I can only find listByProperty function which I cannot apply such filters like this: Date expiry = new Date(new Date().getTime() - MAX_TIME); Query query =…
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Id generation for stored entities (App engine)

If I have a entity defined like this that is stored in App engine's Big Table: @Entity @Table(name = "users") public class User implements Serializable{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name = "id",…
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What is the behaviour of JDO/ORMs when doing a persist() on an object?

Here's my scenario (I'm using datanucleus, JDO, but I think it applies to JPA also): tx.begin(); Dog d = new Dog(); persistenceManager.persist(d); d.setName("Doggie"); tx.commit(); In the above code, the name "Doggie" is not persistent in the…
Ariel Chelsău
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2 answers

Servlet using Datanucleus JDO can't find MySQL Driver

I'm trying to get JDO working within a Servlet; just a simple, basic Servlet. I know that a Servlet can connect to my db because a non-JDO servlet does it fine, and prints out data from the db (the following is at the start of a simple Servlet): …
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JDO in GWT, what is PMF?

I try to learn use JDO in GWT from In the first sample code, there is a line: PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager(); In this line,…
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GAE Datastore results to FlexTable using JDO

This seems like a simple task, but somewhere in searching the docs- I've missed the connection. I have a menu stored in GAE and can return the results of a query: public String[] getMeals() throws NotLoggedInException { checkLoggedIn(); …
1 answer

Per-Data store inheritance strategies in DataNucleus JDO?

I interface with two data stores, one of them is RDMS and the other one is LDAP. What I want to do is to have a hierarchy persisted using "superclass-table" in the RDBMS and "complete-table" in LDAP. Is such a thing possible? That is, can you…
1 answer

JDO, unowned relationship and persisting multiple objects at once

I would like to have an unowned relationship between two persistence capable classes, created at once. The relationship has to be unowned, because my app can’t really guarantee that the two instances I want to persist will stay in the same entity…
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