Questions tagged [jdo]

Java Data Objects (JDO) is a standard way to access persistent data in databases, using plain old Java objects (POJO) to represent persistent data. It is designed to be datastore-agnostic, allowing persistence to, potentially, any type of datastore

Java Data Objects (JDO) is a Java specification for accessing, persisting, and managing data between Java objects / classes and a datastore. JDO 1.0 (2002) defined the basic API, JDO 2.0 (2006) included a comprehensive definition of ORM as well as other enhancements, and JDO 3.0 (2009) added on annotations, as well as APIs for fetch groups and metadata. It is the most complete specification for Java persistence around

1153 questions
1 answer

Why does the Google App Engine documentation emphasize JDO over JPA?

Most of the docs for Google App Engine are written for JDO. Only one page of docs are devoted to using JPA. Is this because JDO is more suited to App Engine or was there some other reason for the preferential treatment given to JDO?
J McConnell
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4 answers

Validating jdoconfig with incorrect url

I am using jdo and configuring the persistence manager with jdoconfig.xml However everywhere I find documentation about jdoconfig.xml it states that should be used for validation.
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4 answers

Google App Engine, JDO, and equals/hashCode

I've got an app in Google App Engine that was working fine. I realized that one on of my JDO-enhanced objects that I forgot to implement equals and hashCode (I need to use the object in a set). So I did. I didn't really do anything special in these…
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4 answers

How to delete a column (attribute) from a GAE datastore?

I have a persistent class stored in a GAE datastore. I have removed one of the attributes from the class. The new records in this table show a value for the removed attribute. But is there a way I can completely drop this column off the…
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GWT+UIBinder+Gin+Guice+JDO+GAE example

I'm trying to link all this technologies, but there are many isolated examples and I do not have enough experience to link them together so my questions: Whether there is a similar example? Is it possible to use UIBinder with Gin? Any…
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6 answers

What's the easiest way to persist java objects?

Right now I have java program whose classes are currently POJOs and stored in volatile memory. These need to be persisted. As I understand it two popular choices are JDO and the Java Persistence API. For someone who know little about SQL, Torque,…
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3 answers

Generate Automatic Id IdGeneratorStrategy

I'm using Goole App Engine to Build my REST API, I've already marked my class as PersistenceCapable and also i got defined my @PrimaryKey and also marked as @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY), also i've already EndPoints…
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1 answer

Configuring JDO in Spring 3.1?

I used to have all my DAOs extend the JdoDaoSupport class which is now deprecated in Spring 3.1. I've made my own AbstractJdoDao class which wraps the PersistenceManagerFactory and all the DAOs extend from there. Is that the way I should be…
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2 answers

App Engine identifier. Key vs Id

To identify my JDO objects in Google App Engine I use the Key type. It works fine but when I need to pass this through urls it gets sort of long. For example: When viewing my…
Luca Matteis
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0 answers

Use JDO in Android

I've tried to find any info on that subject; can't find anything. Strikes me as odd, since JDO sounds like the kind of thing smartphones should be very good at doing. Do you know if JDO is possible at all on Android devices, natively, or with…
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3 answers

Inconsistent Fetch From Google App Engine Datastore

I have an application deployed in Google app engine. I am getting inconsistent data when i fetch an entity by id immediately after updating that entity. I'm using JDO 3.0 to access the app engine datastore. I have an entity Employee…
2 answers

GWT Editors and GAE Datastore

GWT has an Editor Framework, which, after a cursory inspection, looks an awful lot like how Spring MVC/Forms handles data binding between backend data objects and frontend UI components. I am writing my first GWT/GAE application and was wondering if…
Bantha Fodder
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1 answer

Class org.datanucleus.api.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass was not found

I am using Google App Engine (appengine-java-sdk-1.6.6) for an application using JDO and maven (maven-gae-plugin) for the project structure and build. The build is successful along with enhancing my domain classes with DataNucleus Enhancer. When…
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1 answer

JDO - Updating an Object

i am experimenting with the Google App Engine, and the persist option JDO. I would like to know if it is possible to map a transient object to a persist object? Or something to update the persistent object with the use of an transient object? I the…
1 answer

Migrating fields in JDO

We are using JDO in one of our projects. This has been running for quite a while and naturally we need to change the model a bit. What is the best practice when migrating fields in entity classes in JDO? enum MyEnum { REGULAR, MYOLDTYPE //…
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