Questions tagged [ispf]

ISPF (Interactive System Productivity Facility) is a software product for the z/OS operating system (and earlier OSes) that runs on IBM mainframes. ISPF primarily provides an IBM 3270 terminal interface with a set of panels. Each panel may include menus and dialogs to run tools on the underlying Time Sharing Option (TSO).

Introduced in 1975 as SPF (Structured Programming Facility) and later renamed SPF (System Productivity Facility), then ISPF (Integrated System Productivity Facility) and finally ISPF/PDF (Integrated System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility).

ISPF is a separately priced product from z/OS and from TSO to which it provides a more friendly user interface. Some products, such as SDSF (Spool Display and Search Facility) will run on top of ISPF and cooperate with it, will also run from a TSO READY prompt.

ISPF consists of a set of components including

  • Dialog Manager (DM)
  • Program Development Facility (PDF)
  • Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM)
  • Client/Server component

The Dialog Manager component provides for the ability to create custom interactive applications that will run in an ISPF environment. Panels (screens) are written in Dialog Tag Language (which bears a passing resemblance to HTML), panel definition statements, or both. Code to handle I/O from these panels or indeed any other ISPF API can be written in Assembler, C, CLIST, COBOL, PL/I, or Rexx. It is common for z/OS products to include an ISPF interface.

The Program Development Facility consists of an editor (extensible via edit macros or DM applications), browse (in which files can be viewed but not changed), and view (a hybrid of edit and view), along with panel driven DM applications for dataset allocation, search, and management.

SCLM provides versioning, auditing, and promotion of source code, object code, test cases, etc. This is an area where a number of competing products engage, including CA-Endevor and Change Man, all of which provide an interface via ISPF DM.

The Client/Server component is installable on a workstation and provides a GUI for the standard ISPF panels.

ISPF documentation is available in the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS. There is an entire manual on the ISPF editor and writing edit macros. This is an area where many people unfamiliar with command-driven applications become frustrated: it is common for those proficient in ISPF Edit to string a set of commands together to accomplish a task, such as x all;f all dsn=;hide x to show only those lines in JCL where a dataset name appears.

ISPF can be run as a step in a batch job, allowing the execution of non-interactive edit macros for example. Setting up such a batch job step is shop-specific, the DD statements must point to the datasets for your IT shop.

39 questions
2 answers

Are ISPEXEC services available in ISPF panel REXX?

Here's an ISPF panel definition: )BODY Hello, world! )PROC *REXX ADDRESS ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS CANCEL" *ENDREXX )END The panel displays fine, but the imbedded REXX immediately fails: *-* ADDRESS ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS CANCEL" +++ RC(-3) +++ A…
Oh Come On
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1 answer

Change user-id in the ISPF statistics of a PDS member programatically

I am trying to change the user-id value of a module within a PDS. That can be done interactively within ISPF, using menu-option 3.5 (in a non-custome ISPF set-up). I want to do this using a Rexx program instead.
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2 answers

Mainframe commands for DS - move columns in ISPF Edit

how can we move the data in middle of PS file to left side in Mainframe? any shortcut command for this? I have a Data set with data at column 13 and it has to be moved to column 11, Any short key to move it. Want to align rest of the rows in DS as…
Sandhya L
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1 answer

How to call, send and receive info from/to a panel(ISPF) in COBOL

I have an ISPF panel named MYPANEL created with 2 variables: One for input named INV (filled by the user) and one for output named OTV (filled by the program). What I need is a sample with a COBOL program, on how to call the panel, how to receive…
1 answer

Passing parameters from ISPF DSLIST to REXX script automatically

If i have a normal ISPF screen like the one shown below Now, I already have a rexx script that gives me the number of lines in a particular pds (just simply the number of lines, regardless of what's in those lines) Now I want to design a command in…
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2 answers

How to change primary command in Edit

I want to add some shortcuts in ISPF Edit. For instance, I'd like to type T for "TOP" and B for "BOT". How can I do this? I tried to enter define t alias top in the command line, but it didn't work: I have "COMMAND TOP NOT FOUND" if I use the…
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1 answer

How to insert a character when editing a file using ISPF Edit via TN3270?

The editor in mvs3.8 TK4- is very different from the editors that I have used in Windows and Linux. I am trying to figure out how to insert a character between two characters in the editor. For example: //HERC01C JOB (COBOL), If i want to insert an…
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1 answer

Selecting a block of members in PDS directory for editing

I want to select a group of members in a PDS for editing but unlike in SDSF, putting // in the beginning and end of block doesn't work. Does anybody know how can I do that? For viewing a range of PDS members! is that even possible?? I appreciate…
2 answers

How to scroll to top in ISPF?

Is there a command to scroll to the top of of the file in ISPF? Also, scroll to bottom? Similar to lower case g in VI. Also, is there anything like scroll to top of function or scroll to opening bracket? Thanks
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1 answer

Is there a way to send ISPF commands and get job statistics using python script on Mainframe?

I'm trying to automate some manual tasks on Mainframe using python script and to do that I need job status.. I know there is FTP library to login mainframe but I'm not able to send commands and get job statistics.. please suggest if there is any…
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2 answers

Tailor and run jcl programmatically using rexx

Monthly, I need to run a set of JCLs. These JCLs has some hardcoded parameters that I need to be changed every month (eg: the year/month of the source file). On the other hand, these JCL need to be run for many source files:…
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1 answer

Blocking isrddn in tso-mvs

we are interested in blocking isrddn for some of the users. We are trying to do it without creating a shell of our own, is there something inside isrddn that will help? What is the easiest way to do it? Thank you!
1 answer

Insert data at specific column in mainframe dataset

I need a insert a data from Mainframe dataset (A) to different dataset(B) starting from a specific column. e.g. First dataset 'A' has following data Command ===> ***************************** 1205271 …
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1 answer

Is it possible to edit a PS file in view mode in ISPF?

We can edit a JCL file in ISPF when we open a file in edit mode. Is is possible to edit a file in view mode ?
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1 answer

How do I include a JCL PDS Library in a REXX Program

I am writing a Rexx program to automate sequential submission of jobs. The Code is like : /*REXX*/ Address ISPEXEC "LIBDEF ISPPLIB DATASET ID('XXX.YYY.PANELS') Address ISPEXEC "LIBDEF ISPMLIB DATASET ID('XXX.YYYY.JCLLIB') …
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