Questions tagged [jcl]

Job Control Language (JCL) is a scripting language used on the IBM mainframe operating systems z/OS and z/VSE (and predecessors) to instruct the system on how to run a batch job or start a subsystem. In z/VSE, it is sometimes referred to as JCS (Job Control Statements). In z/OS, Job Entry Control Language (JECL) controls how JES2 or JES3 handles the job execution and output.

In JCL, the unit of work is the job. A job consists of one or several steps, each of which is a request to run one specific program. For example, a job to produce a printed report for management might consist of the following steps:

  • A user-written program to select the appropriate records and copy them to a temporary file.

  • Sort the temporary file into the required order, usually using a general-purpose sort utility

  • A user-written program to present the information in a way that is easy for the end-users to read and includes other useful information such as sub-totals

  • A user-written program to format selected pages of the end-user information for display on a monitor or terminal.
387 questions
1 answer

What is the difference between a variable-blocked format and a fixed-blocked format?

I have encountered these terms in a data file definition document for some data that I'm getting from a Mainframe system. I failed to find definitions of these terms in any glossary or Google search - just mentions of them. Can anyone shed some…
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Lexing/Parsing "here" documents

For those that are experts in lexing and parsing... I am attempting to write a series of programs in perl that would parse out IBM mainframe z/OS JCL for a variety of purposes, but am hitting a roadblock in methodology. I am mostly following the…
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5 answers

Learning mainframe & JCL with Java/OOP/SQL background

I've been coding and managing Java & ASP.Net applications & servers for my entire career. Now I'm being directed towards involvement in mainframes, ie z/OS & JCL, and I'm finding it difficult to wrap my head around it (they still talk about punch…
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2 answers

How to secure store password in a JCL FTP?

I have the following code to send a file through FTP using JCL: //FTP00001 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=50 //OUT DD SYSOUT=* //AMSDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* …
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1 answer

Execute java from batch JCL

In the past I have used BPXBATCH to execute java class files from JCL. I would like to move to using the custom JVM launcher as IBM recommends in the link below. I wrote up a…
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4 answers

How to avoid hardcoding credentials inside a COBOL program?

I have the following code to connect to an external DB inside a COBOL program: MOVE 'I2SFG04' TO WK-USER MOVE '12345' TO WK-PASS EXEC SQL CONNECT TO :WK-EXT-MACHINE USER :WK-USER USING :WK-PASS END-EXEC. But as you can guess, I…
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4 answers

What's the difference between SYSOUT and SYSPRINT of a job?

While coding a JCL, we give SYSOUT and SYSPRINT DDs. Which type of output goes to SYSOUT and what else to SYSPRINT?
Raja Reddy
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2 answers

Pass JCL symbol to in-stream data sets

I'm trying to create and delete a dataset with a JCL symbol in the dataset name this way: // SET DATE=20110809 //* DELETE DATASET //DEL01 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DELETE DATASET.TEMP.&DATE …
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How to abend job intentionally

Is it possible to abend your job intentionally through COBOL program. suppose I have an Input file having Header,Detail and Trailer records. I will write a COBOL pgm which reads this file.If no Detail records are found in this file then I want to…
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3 answers

Why the StEPLIB always overrides the JOBLIB,in JCL?

In JCL the STEPLIB always overrides the JOBLIB.Can anyone explain why is it so?
Sahu Vinita
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Extent allocation in sequential data sets

I am new to mainframe world and trying to work it up but unable to get one thing that how are extents allocated in data sets. And please can someone explain it using an example or answer this question Suppose there is a sequential data sets where…
Ronit Saha
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What is MVS and JCL?

Does anyone know something about MVS and JCL? Is it possible to explain to me what MVS is? And what JCL is used for?
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Symbolic JCL Confusion

I am a bit confused on how to create a symbolic variable in JCL for an assignment I am doing in my COBOL class. For example, I am supposed to "Specify a symbolic parameter for the PARM option and specify TEST and APOST as the default." How do I…
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4 answers

How to write DB2 SELECT statement in unload job for delimiters

I have been over this... seems silly but couldnt figure out! I wanna UNLOAD a table but with a delimiter '|' in between the fields. Here is the JCL used to unload the table: //JS020 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01, // …
Raja Reddy
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1 answer

Mainframes JCL Record transposing using SORT

I want to do following transposing of records into column using SORT (snycsort or DFSORT). It should be scalable to any number of records .Is this possible ? DE001XYX A CD100000 B CD200000 C DE001KKK A CD100000 B DE003ZZZ A…
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