Questions tagged [ispf]

ISPF (Interactive System Productivity Facility) is a software product for the z/OS operating system (and earlier OSes) that runs on IBM mainframes. ISPF primarily provides an IBM 3270 terminal interface with a set of panels. Each panel may include menus and dialogs to run tools on the underlying Time Sharing Option (TSO).

Introduced in 1975 as SPF (Structured Programming Facility) and later renamed SPF (System Productivity Facility), then ISPF (Integrated System Productivity Facility) and finally ISPF/PDF (Integrated System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility).

ISPF is a separately priced product from z/OS and from TSO to which it provides a more friendly user interface. Some products, such as SDSF (Spool Display and Search Facility) will run on top of ISPF and cooperate with it, will also run from a TSO READY prompt.

ISPF consists of a set of components including

  • Dialog Manager (DM)
  • Program Development Facility (PDF)
  • Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM)
  • Client/Server component

The Dialog Manager component provides for the ability to create custom interactive applications that will run in an ISPF environment. Panels (screens) are written in Dialog Tag Language (which bears a passing resemblance to HTML), panel definition statements, or both. Code to handle I/O from these panels or indeed any other ISPF API can be written in Assembler, C, CLIST, COBOL, PL/I, or Rexx. It is common for z/OS products to include an ISPF interface.

The Program Development Facility consists of an editor (extensible via edit macros or DM applications), browse (in which files can be viewed but not changed), and view (a hybrid of edit and view), along with panel driven DM applications for dataset allocation, search, and management.

SCLM provides versioning, auditing, and promotion of source code, object code, test cases, etc. This is an area where a number of competing products engage, including CA-Endevor and Change Man, all of which provide an interface via ISPF DM.

The Client/Server component is installable on a workstation and provides a GUI for the standard ISPF panels.

ISPF documentation is available in the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS. There is an entire manual on the ISPF editor and writing edit macros. This is an area where many people unfamiliar with command-driven applications become frustrated: it is common for those proficient in ISPF Edit to string a set of commands together to accomplish a task, such as x all;f all dsn=;hide x to show only those lines in JCL where a dataset name appears.

ISPF can be run as a step in a batch job, allowing the execution of non-interactive edit macros for example. Setting up such a batch job step is shop-specific, the DD statements must point to the datasets for your IT shop.

39 questions
1 answer

Not able to copy alphabet letters from physical sequential file to a KSDS cluster

I have created a sequential file with some records. I have to copy them to a KSDS cluster. So i wrote a JCL for it. When i give numerals in my sequential file it is working but when i give english alphabet letters it is not working. why is that??…
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Adding records to VSAM DATASET

I have some confusions regarding VSAM as I am new to it. Do correct me where I am wrong and solve the queries. A cluster contains control areas and a control area contains control intervals. One control interval contains one dataset. Now for…
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3 answers


I have submitted the below code in JCL in ISPF and while submitting it is showing "Enter JOBname Characters". On entering a character such as 'j', it is appending 'j' with jobname.. but what does that mean? Why it is asking to enter it, and what…
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1 answer

Can we pull REXX SQL output values into ISPF panel?

I Have created a REXX program to fetch 3 columns from a table. I have kept temporary variables to hold SQL values (takes automatic datatype as per input) Its like: ADDRESS DSNREXX "EXECSQL FETCH C1 INTO :IN, :CR, :TN" Now i have created A Panel,…
Agent Mahone
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3 answers

Can I read the allocation parameters of a dataset in zos using Rexx?

I want to create some Rexx code that allows me to allocate new data sets, in any format, such as PDS, Sequential etc.. by reading the data set information of an existing data set then applying those parameters to the new allocation. For example,…
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1 answer

how to jump to specific line number of a PS dataset in mainframes

My PS file has 5millionreccords. I want to goto 2.5 millionth record. can I go directly there without pressing mF8 too many times
Agent Mahone
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1 answer

Editors similar to the one in Mainframes

I have been using an editor in Mainframes (ISPF) which I'm very much comfortable with. Now I'm working on a unix system and I'm forced to use VI. VI is good but since I got used to the editor in Mainframes, I'm having a hard time due to the…
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1 answer

Connecting to IBM / ISPF from

I want to connect to IBM mainframe thru and run jobs present in mainframe directly through and view the output back.... Can any one please help how to connect to IBM mainframe and run jobs directly through
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2 answers

How to list all the cobol programs in a project in mainframe ispf

I need to view all the source codes available in a project. In which utility can I list all the source codes
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How to use space without deleting text when editing a dataset

I am editing datasets on a mainframe via x3270. However I cannot figure out how to move text forward, I simply just want to be able to move text forward when pressing space without deleting any characters. How?
2 answers

ISPF edit macro, how to prevent "Browse substituted" from occurring..?

Steve Ives provided ALLMEM code to run an edit macro against all members of a PDS, see here: How can I run ISPF Edit Macros in Batch Some members in my PDS are too large (by default) for edit/view and suffer "Browse substituted" on the line: Address…
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2 answers

An error rc=20 when I want to show an ispf panel from a cobol program

I want to display an ispf panel with a cobol program. With REXX is easy, no problems, but with cobol is not showing the panel. When I submit the jcl, the compile and link step gives no errors but when it try to run an error is received: MAXCC=0020.…
2 answers

z/OS ISPF Editor increasing the rows of the editor

After I save a file in a z/OS ISPF it becomes like this ****** ***** Top of Data *** 000100 hello ****** ***** Bottom of Data *** My Question is, how do I add more lines to this ISPF editor In other words, how do I make the editor full window…
Dickens A S
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how to replace char with other in hexdecimal

I'm a new user who using mainframe, I have a file and I need to change all dots '.' in file with space, I was trying to write this statement on command change X'05' X'40' all after I converted the file to hexdecimal, but It doesn't work. How…
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Validating JCL with conditional logic

Normally, when I am done looking at a JCL, I will type the JEM command into my ISPF command line and that will do a quick scan and tell me any errors, such as files not allocated. The only problem is, when we have IF statements in the JCL, the JEM…
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