Questions tagged [instafeedjs]

Instafeed.js is a dead-simple way to add Instagram photos to your website. No jQuery required, just plain 'ol javascript

Instafeed.js is a dead-simple way to add Instagram photos to your website. No jQuery required, just plain 'ol javascript.


Setting up Instafeed.js is pretty straight-forward. Just download the script and include it in your HTML:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/instafeed.min.js"></script>

Basic Usage

Here's how easy it is to get all images tagged with #awesome:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var feed = new Instafeed({
        get: 'tagged',
        tagName: 'awesome',
        clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'


113 questions
2 answers

Instafeed: skip retrieving video type posts from feed

I want to skip all video type posts from a feed that I'm gathering through the Instafeed JS plugin. Read from a few other posts that setting a filter would solve it but if I apply this (see below) I only get 2 images instead of 5. 1 of those 5 are a…
Staffan Estberg
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3 answers

Open links in new window in instafeed.js

I am using instafeed.js to show my latest instagram images in my website. But by default, image links are opened in same window. This is the JS code: more…
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2 answers

Add a "Show Less" button to InstafeedJS

Using InstafeedJS, I want to be able to add a button that hides whatever content has been loaded after the initial feed (e.g. the user has clicked Show More one or more times). My initial idea is to add a class or data tag to the additional feed…
Staffan Estberg
  • 5,515
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2 answers

instafeed.js stopped working: The access_token provided is invalid

I am using instafeed.js like so: var feed = new Instafeed({ get: 'user', userId: 19191919191, limit: 9, accessToken: 'myaccesstokenhere', target: 'instagram', resolution: 'standard_resolution', …
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2 answers

Instagram Client ID / new requirements of Instagram API

I have been using instafeed on a few projects over the past years, all without to many issues. With Instagrams new API requirements im running into some issues and any help would be just super - So far I have set up the basic API accsess…
1 answer

Instafeed not returning squared photos

Using instafeed.js for Instagram feeds. I was using resolution: 'standard_resolution' and also disabled the Non Square Media option from the instagram client to get all the pictures squares on 612x612, however, this has stopped working out of the…
John R
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1 answer

Is there any way by which Instagram images can be fetched of specific hashtag without the use of access token/client id?

I am trying to fetch public Instagram images using hashtag but that's to be done without the use of client id/access token. I am using the script below