Questions tagged [social-media]

Social media is the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

320 questions
10 answers

How to clear Facebook Sharer cache?

We used the link:[shared URL] share a particular page. However, Facebook Sharer uses the cached version of the images and the title. Is there a way to quickly clear the Facebook cache or how long do we…
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5 answers

Default website image for social sharing

Is there any way to set a default image that appears when I share my website on Facebook? I've noticed that Facebook usually fetches the first image from the site to use as a thumbnail.
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5 answers

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn share link count

Is there any way to get the number of users to share a link on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn? Example: How many times some link was shared to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to calculate the popularity of some content? How to get share count my…
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3 answers

Sharing on social media, the URL does not render any meta data

We have built a project (Web Application) in React .net core using react in client-side rendering. We've used react-helmet for dynamically assigning meta tags. The issue being when the app renders in the browser. The browser gets only the static…
3 answers

About "SLComposeViewController" in iOS 11 beta

In my project, I always use SLComposeViewController to share contents with third-party apps, but now, when I update my iPhone to iOS 11 beta, this no longer works. The SLComposeViewControllerCompletionHandler always callback…
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3 answers

Twitter search query both by @user and #hashtag

I'd like to embed twitter widget which will contain search results with both hashtag and user account. '#hashtag OR @username' doesn't work
Mark Vital
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5 answers

Facebook link thumbnail

When posting a link to a website in Facebook (Google+ and the rest count too) you're given a thumbnail, or selection of thumbnails to choose from. These are tags from the HTML. I've always been of the opinion that it was good practice to make my…
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3 answers

Facebook share not showing image from open graph metatags

I'm trying to integrate the Facebook share button to my employer's site, the title, url, description/intro are all displaying correctly, however no image is being attached. When the share dialog opens, an image container flickers and then disappears…
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7 answers

Social Media Sharing Buttons Gem for Ruby on Rails

I am trying to find a good gem that will allow me to add social media sharing buttons to my Rails 3 app (similar to the Wordpress plugins AddThis). The key sites that I want to enable sharing with are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. I want…
2 answers

Customize preview image for github pages

is it possible to customize the image that you see as a preview when posting the link to your github pages? I feel like they specifically address the issue for github repositories here, but I dont know how to do this for github pages. Specifically,…
Paul Schmidt
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1 answer

Website link that opens Instagram Direct Message with the specified href as the body text?

Basically I'm looking for Instagram's equivalent of: whatsapp://send? I can't find anything online about this. I had no problem doing this with facebook, facebook messenger, twitter, whatsapp, and email
John Doe
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1 answer

Using multiple web pages in a web scraper

I've been working on some Python code to be able to get links to social media accounts from government websites, for a research into ease with which municipalities can be contacted. I've managed to adapt some code to work in 2.7, which prints all…
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1 answer

How to get facebook likes, shares, and comment count for a post url without using fql?

I need facebook like, share and comment count by passing the post url ("") without using fql(as fql is not supported in v2.1). i dont want the below one url, share_count,…
1 answer

Twitter "View Summary" button

I noticed on Hollywood Reporter that within their tweets they have a "view summary" button, which when clicked on, gives you a preview of a post on their site with a title, excerpt, and preview picture. Any clue as to where some documentation is on…
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2 answers

What's the most efficient way to add social media "like" and "+1" buttons to your site?

The task sounds trivial but bear with me. These are the buttons I'm working with: Google (+1) Facebook (Like) Twitter (Tweet) LinkedIn (Share) With a little testing on I found that it's incredibly inefficient if you grab the…
Steve Wortham
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