Questions tagged [inspector]

Inspector is a general support tool for Appium for UI automation designed to be used in conjunction with the Appium Server. It's helpful in inspecting the U elements and their attribute values. Use this tag for questions referring to Appium automation and inspecting UI elements using the support tool Inspector.

Appium Inspector is a inspection and recording tool provided along with Appium GUI Application to provide an add on support to the automation tool.

Inspector : Generally termed as Appium Inspector, can be accessed by clicking the magnifying glass button next to the launch button on the Appium GUI application once the Appium server has launched.

Appium server must be running with an test app(.apk/.ipa/.app) open for inspector to work. Otherwise, it will not work.

Inspector Window

  • Show Invisible Filter: Elements which are not visible will be displayed in the DOM 3-column-view.

  • Show Disabled Filter: Elements which are not enabled will be displayed in the DOM 3-column-view.

  • Record Button: Opens the recording Panel and starts recording actions performed using controls in the Appium Inspector.

  • Refresh Button: Refreshes the DOM 3-column view and the screenshot.

  • Screenshot Area: Displays the last screenshot taken for the app. You can click this area to select elements in the DOM.

  • Details Area: Displays details about the currently selected element.

  • Action Palette: The action palette contains buttons that will trigger actions on the device under test. Actions can be tried out here or entered to be recorded.

  • Touch Section: Contains buttons to perform touch events like tapping and swiping.

  • Text Section: Contains buttons to perform text events like typing and executing JavaScript.
  • Alerts Section: Contains buttons to perform events on alerts and action sheets.

Recorder Drawer

The recorder draw contains the code generated by recorded actions you've performed while recording is enabled.

  • Language Selection Dropdown: Changes the language your recorded actions are displayed in.

  • Add Boilerplate Checkbox: Checking this block will display code used to setup the Selenium instance along with code related to the actions you have recorded. Unchecking this box will only show only the code from the actions you have recorded.

  • XPath Only Checkbox: Checking this will cause all element identifiers to be created using XPath.

  • Replay Button: Replays the actions that you have recorded.
  • Undo Button: Deletes the last recorded action.
  • Redo Button: Adds back the last undone action.
  • Clear Button: Removes all recorded actions.
292 questions
8 answers

What does it mean when a CSS rule is grayed out in Chrome's element inspector?

I'm inspecting an h2 element on a web page using Google Chrome's element inspector and some of the CSS rules--which appear to be applied--are grayed out. It seems that a strike-through indicates that a rule was overridden, but what does it mean…
Rob Sobers
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3 answers

Chrome Developer Tools: How to find out what is overriding a CSS rule?

Well, this is pretty straightforward. If Chrome's Developer Tools is showing me that a style is overridden, how to see what CSS rule is overriding it? I want to know if is there anything like "Show me what overrides this". OBS: Please, don't point…
Ramon K.
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8 answers

Using Chrome, how to find to which events are bound to an element

Lets suppose I've a link on my page: Click Here I don't know anything else, but when I click on the link, an alert("bar") is displayed. So I know that somewhere, some code is getting bound to #foo. How can I find the code…
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9 answers

Chrome inspector does not show network requests path and etc

I use AJAX and want to visit its behaivour while sending request to server through Chrome Inspector. When I switch to Network tab of inspector, requests not listing there. Edit Inspector is open and network tab is active, now I'll do something…
Hossein Shahsahebi
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2 answers

How do I add / insert a before or after pseudo element into Chrome's Inspector?

I can add a regular style rule via the + sign (New Style Rule) but I can't add one under the "Pseudo ::before Element" or "Pseudo ::after Element" sections of the Style Inspector. If I try to add the ::before or ::after element into the HTML via…
Andrew Tibbetts
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6 answers

How do you expand all elements in the WebKit Inspector elements view?

Is there a way to expand all elements in the elements view of the Chrome WebKit inspector?
Jon Rose
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5 answers

HTML5 canvas inspector?

Is there any ability to inspect the objects rendered on a HTML5 canvas like we can do in Silverlight with Silverlight Spy ? If I use Chrome elements inspector I can inspect only DOM.
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5 answers

Use Chrome's webkit inspector to remove an event listener

I know you can see the event listeners in the Chrome Inspector but i'm doing some debugging work and there are so many event listeners lying around I'd like to disable some without editing the code Is there a way to disable an event listener…
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4 answers

Can you add new CSS properties in Chrome Inspector?

Is it possible to add new CSS properties in the Chrome inspector? It seems that you can only edit existing properties. Also, once you edit the properties, is there a way to view the revised CSS as a whole?
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3 answers

How to : Given HWND, discover if window is Modal or not

For any given window I handle, I need a way to find out whether or not the given window is Modal. Far as I can tell, there are no methods that do exactly that, which is why I need some clever workaround to work this out! Help is appreciated! EDIT :…
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1 answer

Unity Custom Editor Like 'Layer Collision Matrix'

I'm trying to show a two-dimensional array in the editor like the "Layer Collision Matrix" is shown in Unity: Though instead of checkboxes I need ints, and a full grid (not the triangle shape.) I can't seem to figure out how to do this though... I…
The Oddler
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1 answer

How do you configure a MessageInspector when using StandardEndpoints in WCF REST 4.0

I'm trying create and configure a Message Inspector to perform some authentication of a WCF Rest HTTP request. I'm using 4.0 so trying to steer clear of the WCF Starter Kit although I have managed to get an old RequestInterceptor working in the way…
Jon Free
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2 answers

How to get Inspect Element code using Selenium WebDriver

I'm working in selenium with Firefox browser. The Html code shown in View Source (CTRL+U) is different from the html code i see when inspecting the elements in Firefox. When i run the driver.getPageSource() i only get the View source (CTRL + U)…
1 answer

XCode Invalid Provision Profile for running a profile/inspector - iPhone App

"A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found" is displayed when I do a "command I" or XCode Product Menu and select the Profile menu item. I want to profile my iPhone application for memory leaks. I have a valid team provision…
Phill Campbell
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1 answer

Firestore limit reads and writes per hour or per day to prevent user setting a timer in the inspector

I am learning Firebase and I might use it in production. I can not find how to prevent a logged in user to edit javascript code and trigger thousands of reads per day automatically and that I will have to pay for. As far as I know, any user who…
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