Questions tagged [inspector]

Inspector is a general support tool for Appium for UI automation designed to be used in conjunction with the Appium Server. It's helpful in inspecting the U elements and their attribute values. Use this tag for questions referring to Appium automation and inspecting UI elements using the support tool Inspector.

Appium Inspector is a inspection and recording tool provided along with Appium GUI Application to provide an add on support to the automation tool.

Inspector : Generally termed as Appium Inspector, can be accessed by clicking the magnifying glass button next to the launch button on the Appium GUI application once the Appium server has launched.

Appium server must be running with an test app(.apk/.ipa/.app) open for inspector to work. Otherwise, it will not work.

Inspector Window

  • Show Invisible Filter: Elements which are not visible will be displayed in the DOM 3-column-view.

  • Show Disabled Filter: Elements which are not enabled will be displayed in the DOM 3-column-view.

  • Record Button: Opens the recording Panel and starts recording actions performed using controls in the Appium Inspector.

  • Refresh Button: Refreshes the DOM 3-column view and the screenshot.

  • Screenshot Area: Displays the last screenshot taken for the app. You can click this area to select elements in the DOM.

  • Details Area: Displays details about the currently selected element.

  • Action Palette: The action palette contains buttons that will trigger actions on the device under test. Actions can be tried out here or entered to be recorded.

  • Touch Section: Contains buttons to perform touch events like tapping and swiping.

  • Text Section: Contains buttons to perform text events like typing and executing JavaScript.
  • Alerts Section: Contains buttons to perform events on alerts and action sheets.

Recorder Drawer

The recorder draw contains the code generated by recorded actions you've performed while recording is enabled.

  • Language Selection Dropdown: Changes the language your recorded actions are displayed in.

  • Add Boilerplate Checkbox: Checking this block will display code used to setup the Selenium instance along with code related to the actions you have recorded. Unchecking this box will only show only the code from the actions you have recorded.

  • XPath Only Checkbox: Checking this will cause all element identifiers to be created using XPath.

  • Replay Button: Replays the actions that you have recorded.
  • Undo Button: Deletes the last recorded action.
  • Redo Button: Adds back the last undone action.
  • Clear Button: Removes all recorded actions.
292 questions
1 answer

Safari web inspector not working when debugging ios standalone webapp

I've been struggling to debug my standalone webapp with safari's web inspector. The web inspector works fine when I go to the url on the iphone's safari like a normal web page. The problem appears when I add the webapp to the homescreen. I'm having…
6 answers

can't use inspector with appium 1.6.0

i recently installed XCode 8 beta 5. Appium 1.6.0 beta on my MAC 10.11.6 now after reading all the forums and making the Appium start and launch my app, i can't find how to launch my inspector and find elements in my app with this Appium 1.6.0…
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2 answers

Safari Inspector CSS Media Query Selectors Show as [object Object]

It's just as the title says, all CSS selectors which are inside of media queries are showing in the inspector as [object Object]. Has anyone else run into this? Does anyone have any idea how I can force it to show the actual selectors being used?…
1 answer

Inspection shows null pointer exception while I'm checking null probability

I have a code like this in my project: public class MyExpAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter { @Override public int getChildrenCount(final int groupPosition) { return this.getCountry(groupPosition) == null ? 0 : …
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Could not pre-launch appium and app doesn't get installed in iphone real device using appium

I am using appium version 1.3.7. I have connected physical device via usb. I have launched appium server,after a while appium get crashed. I have pasted that full log below. I have attached the screen shot below. Launching Appium with…
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3 answers

Inspect variables in vector/matrices from Eigen Library

Does anybody know how to inspect the value of matrices or vectors when debugging programs using the Eigen Library in MS-Visual Studio?
1 answer

Chrome console debug is broken?

With the update of Chrome to version 2.3 I have the following problem. When ik debug something like console.log($('canvas')) I normally got some code back in the console (in this case html) which I could hover on, so the object was highlighted in…
0 answers

Why would actual displayed color differ from the hex color in inspector (in Chrome)?

Sometimes Chrome will draw a specific div using an incorrect color for a second or two while the rest of the page renders. The color then (very visibly) changes to the correct value. If I stop loading (hit Esc) early enough I can get the incorrect…
Arkadiy Kukarkin
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display custom events in webkit browser inspector timeline

I wanted to view custom events in the timeline of the web inspector of safari, or chrome's developer tools. Has anyone had success creating events and having them displayed in the inspector? This would be extremely useful. this doesn't show up in…
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Appcelerator Titanium Studio 1.0.1: How to show Inspector on OS X Desktop apps?

When I choose to show the inspector inside a desktop app, I get the error below. As their Wiki said, I've followed this: But couldn't get it work. I'm…
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1 answer

WCF MessageInspector on client is showing an other message than the Messageinspector on dthe service

I need to create a (WCF) client that communicates with a service that expects the messages to be signed. Since I'm quite new to WCF I first tried to setup a simple selfhost service and a client that talks to this servive. Both the service and client…
2 answers

Installing Amazon Inspector Service

I'm about to install and use Amazon Inspector. We have many EC2 instances behind ELB. Plus some EC2 instances are opened via Auto-Scale. My question: Is the Amazon Inspector doing its work locally or globally, meaning is the monitoring being made on…
2 answers

Why multiple constructor calls in a non MonoBehaviour serialized class?

I have attached a script to a Unity game object. The script contains various public properties, including some of my own classes. Like in the following simplified code, where the TestMonoBehaviorClass is attached to a game object and the TestClass'…
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2 answers

WCF Inspect Messages

I'm trying to implement a simple message inspector that writes the message to the debug window from an example on MSDN: public class MyMessageInspector : IDispatchMessageInspector { public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request,…
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1 answer

Chrome inspector issue while remote debugging

I am trying to debug my android web application which I had written by Ionic framework and AngularJS and is rendered on webview browser on android platform by chrome://inspect#devices but I am seeing this screen: here is the picture it was working…
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