Questions tagged [view-source]

view-source is an URL scheme that will display the source code of an url.

In FireFox, Sea Monkey, Google Chrome and up to Internet Explorer 6, prepending an url with view-source: will show the source code of the url. Due to security issues in Internet Explorer, the support for this URL Scheme was dropped with the release of Windows XP SP2.

86 questions
5 answers

How to check View Source in Mobile Browsers (Both Android && Feature Phone)

I need to check the view source of the page from mobile / tablet browsers ( Android Phones/Tablets and Feature Phones). I tried some of the methods but is not feasible like in desktop. I feels difficult to check it. JS javascript:…
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3 answers

Can I set-up theme for 'view-source' in Chrome?

I installed theme for Developers Tools and want also make my 'view-source' is dark too.
Vitaly Zdanevich
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7 answers

Firefox VIEW SOURCE shows login page

I'm running Firefox 61.0 on Arch Linux. When viewing the source of a page, I frequently (but not always, estimated 20% of the time) see the source code of the login page when I'm browsing a website that requires me to log in. This happens when I'm…
2 answers

How to change Chrome's tab indention width?

For personal reasons, I use tabs instead of spaces to indent my code. I occasionally view my web page's source code in Chrome's view-source: tab. When I do, my tabs are 8 spaces in width. I would like to change it to 2 spaces. I cannot figure…
Jared Gotte
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7 answers

Programmatically open "View Source" HTML Window in Browser with Javascript?

How do I programmatically open the "View Source" window (using some Javascript) like when I right click in the browser and click "View Source"? Is this possible?
Lance Pollard
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1 answer

Chrome cannot auto wrap lines in view-source:// after update to v87.0.4280.67

Before I updating chrome, when I go to view-source:// of Chrome, It'll auto wrap line(so there'is no horizontal scrollbar).But after I updating Chrome to v87.0.4280.67,It shows horizontal scrollbar and most sites(see vue/react build html in one…
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3 answers

Is it possible to link the 'view-source:' of an external page?

I tried using External Source but that just returns a broken link.
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2 answers

How to get Inspect Element code using Selenium WebDriver

I'm working in selenium with Firefox browser. The Html code shown in View Source (CTRL+U) is different from the html code i see when inspecting the elements in Firefox. When i run the driver.getPageSource() i only get the View source (CTRL + U)…
2 answers

Why is my debug msg not being written into my page?

I've got some debug msgs (written via Response.Write()) that I can see when I do a "View Source" like so (within VB code): currentYear = Year(Now) SQLString = "Select NewBiz from MasterUnitsprojSales where CYear = " & currentYear & " and Unit = '" &…
B. Clay Shannon
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2 answers

How to disable view source option in Chromium Embedded?

Is it possible to disable view source option in Delphi Chromium Embedded ? I haven't found anything suitable in properties/methods list.
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5 answers

Output rendered HTML as plain text

I trying to show the rendered output thrown by a PHP file as text. The text should contain the HTML tags as well. Something like what you'd get when you do a "View Source" on a web page. How can I achieve this?
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0 answers

Different source files in Google and Facebook

I see different source files when I view source on browser versus checking on Facebook debugger tool. Many tags are missing in the latter to be precise. Sample urls: View source: view-source: Facebook…
Sandeep C
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Why are the checkboxes on my Webform invisible to the Control loop code?

NOTE: This is related to previous questions here and here, but I think I've narrowed it down to a clearer understanding of what the problem is. I have manually added a Checkbox to a Webforms app, and dynamically generate a bunch more. I want to loop…
B. Clay Shannon
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3 answers

on desktop, how to view the source code of the mobile version of a website

I have created a website that displays different source code depending on whether the user is using a desktop or mobile device. In Chrome on desktop, I can easily view the source code of the desktop version of any website simply by right-clicking…
2 answers

Change meta Tag with Jquery - Cant see it in view sourcecode

I change the content of a metatag like this: $('meta[name=myMeta]').attr('content', 'newContent'); this works and console.log($('meta[name=myMeta]').attr('content')); resonses me the 'newContent' but if i now click "View Sourcode" i cant see the…
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