Questions tagged [ingres]

Use this tag for Ingres / Actian X questions. The Ingres v11 RDBMS is now known as Actian X and in addition to supporting OLTP, also supports analytic workloads with X100 tables and Vector engine, making it a hybrid OLTP and analytic database.

The Ingres 11 RDBMS is now known as Actian X and in addition to supporting OLTP, also supports analytic workloads with X100 tables and Vector engine, making it a hybrid OLTP and analytic database.

Actian X combines a record breaking analytic engine with rock solid OLTP to enable enterprise applications with both OLTP and analytic features. The X100 component, from Actian’s Vector analytic database, lets you store Ingres and/or external data in X100 tables, which are processed using the specialized X100 engine, allowing faster performance for analytical database tasks. OLTP and analytic workloads can be run together and the queries and access methods you’re already using can also be run against the X100 data.

Ingres v11 / Actian X product documentation is available here.

Ingres / Actian X customer support forum is here.

149 questions
2 answers

Are empty strings allowed as enum members in Java

I'm having a bit of a problem with some legacy code. A ticket asks for me to write a script testing the validity of a process; however, I keep getting this exception when the script is run: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class…
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Migrate 260 tables from ingres to SQL Server

I am migrating an ingres database to SQL Server. This database has 260 tables to migrate. I usually use SSIS, I create a package for each table, that will be 260 packages, and then I run one by one for SSIS itself. I would like to know if you have…
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1 answer

Ingress rules not works

I use GCE and try to expose an application via ingress. But path rules don't work. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: front-ingress namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} annotations: {{ if eq .Values.env…
2 answers

Restoring Ingres Database from one system to another system

We want to restore the database that we have got from the client as backup in our development environment, we are unable to restore the database successfully, can any one help us to know the steps involved in this restore process? Thanks in Advance.
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Adding Identity column in Ingres Db

I am trying to add an identity column in a table through alter query using Ingres DB. While creating the table, i am able to define the identity column but not when i am trying to add it through alter query. Kindly Suggest me an alter query for it.
2 answers

SQL ingres syntax

Unfortunately, I don't have access to an Ingres database at the moment and I'm just wondering if the inner join syntax that applies in standard SQL also applies in Ingres? I'm also wondering about the equivalent to inner join. For instance, are the…
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Ingres DB JDBC connection closed and does not recover

We have a Hibernate/JDBC connection within our Grails application to a ingress db: dataSource { dbCreate = 'validate' url = "jdbc:ingres://" driverClassName = "com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver" username =…
Sebastian Barth
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1 answer

Firedac ODBC and Ingres database - "API function cannot be called in the current state"

i have problem with reading data from Ingres database by Delphi Firedac(ODBC). I can connect to Ingres database (no exception throw) but when i try to read data by FDQuery i got: "API function cannot be called in the current state" With the same…
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How to SET LOCKMODE SESSION WHERE LEVEL = MVCC on Ingres connection via SSIS

Can anyone please provide advice on how to enlist in an MVCC session from SSIS? Reading from an Ingres DB, we have a requirement to enable MVCC and specify the isolation level from within an SSIS 2008 R2 package. An existing application exists over…
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1 answer

Ingres with Classic ASP

I have a classic ASP application which is connecting to Ingres 9.3 database. The classic ASP website in IIS has windows integrated security enabled. It connects to Ingres for reading data, and its passing logged in user name and password to ingres…
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2 answers

Query not working in Ingres

I've inherited some ingres database stuff. Never used ingres before. I found the following query to isolate distinct email address records. select a.reg_uid as id, a.firstname, a.lastname, a.postzip_code, a.suburb,, a.state,,…
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1 answer

I dont understand the error with the syntax in SQL

Insert into tbproppayh (id_payment) SELECT s.id_payment FROM session.set_values s WHERE EXISTS id_payment; Thu Jul 18 10:21:42 2013 Executing . . . E_US09C5 line 1, Syntax error on 'id_payment'. The correct syntax is: SELECT…
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Powerbuilder application throws error : Row changed between retrieve and update

We have application developed using PowerBuilder 6.0(Ingres as an backend). Application code was never updated since 2009. However suddenly it starts showing update error. Users are getting error message like 'Row Changes between retrieve and…
Mayur Patel
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Alternative ways to write same SQL Query for profiling/testing purposes

I'm testing out an Ingres Vectorwise database to try to find a faster way to run queries as we've been experiencing some slowness with relation to text lookup. Implementation #1 below is very fast if I'm looking up about 5000 items based on a char()…
John Humphreys - w00te
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Connecting Ingres from C

I need to connect to an Ingres supplied demodb through OpenAPI, both Ingres and C application running on windows. What i have done: Created a "node" in the Ingres Network Utility named "usernode". created user accounts in the Ingres installation…
Brian Cannard
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