Questions tagged [hyperledger-composer]

Hyperledger Composer (previously Fabric Composer) provides a layer of abstraction on top of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain for building business applications. Please use this tag for questions relating to the use of Hyperledger Composer, but not general Hyperledger Fabric questions. Defects in Hyperledger Composer should be reported as GitHub issues.

Hyperledger Composer provides a layer of abstraction on top of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Developers can design in terms of business networks, participants, identity, assets, registries, transactions, events and links, in contrast to the low level abstractions of chaincode and key-value stores.

The composer modelling language makes it easy for developers to model the specific nature of their business domains. The interactive web Playground allows them to author and test these models, and then create domain specific APIs for developers building applications.

Developers can use Composer tools to create applications which exploit these APIs, and create loopback connectors which provide connectivity between the blockchain and their existing systems.

We're keen to build a community so please take a look!


Hyperledger Composer is a node.js framework available under the Apache-2 license. Hosted in github, using Travis-ci and npm.

Getting Started

Our getting started guide will help you install Hyperledger Composer, define and deploy a business network and start to integrate the network with applications.



Update Aug 29th 2019: Hyperledger Composer has been deprecated. Please see the README for more information.

1895 questions
0 answers

How to implement Local Passport Strategy for Hyperledger Composer Rest Server in Angular App

I am trying to wrap my head around authentication in hyperledger-composer using passport-local. I was searching online for API to use in the angular app (i.e. the interface between the angular app and the rest-server). I just couldn't find…
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How do I find the history of transactions for an Asset in a blockchain implemented using hyperledger-composer?

I'm working on the latest rev of hyperledger-composer (V0.13) and have built a network with multiple roles, each of which can invoke selected transactions within the blockchain. I would now like to query the blockchain (?Historian?) for all…
Bob Dill
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steps to install cryptogen tool for hyperledger fabric node setup?

I am a java developer and i have started learning hyperledger fabric . I am trying to do the setup for fabric node setup . I am not sure how to install cryptogen tool . Please help me .
3 answers

Fabric composer on Windows?

Is fabric-composer supported on Windows? How can I get an invitation to the Slack channel?
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Cryptogen: command not found

I am trying to add a new peer to a SOLO hyperledger setup. I used hyperledger composer. I updated the crypto-config.yaml file to make the count for peers to 2 and also other changes. But when I try to run this command under hlfv1/composer cryptogen…
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Error: Ubuntu bionic is not supported hyperledger composer in Ubuntu 18.04

I am trying to install hyperledger composer on my machine Ubuntu 18.04 I am getting the below error Error: Ubuntu bionic is not supported hyperledger composer Anyone help me how to solve this
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Error in starting hyperledger fabric network with hyperledger composer

I am trying to set up a network using hyper ledger composer, for which I followed the Developer tutorial for creating a Hyperledger Composer solution but when I use the command composer network start --networkName tutorial-network…
1 answer

Unable to create PeerAdminCard

I am following this simple tutorial to set up my dev environment . Everything goes fine until I trigger ./ which gives error as below Development only script for Hyperledger Fabric control Running '' …
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Uninstall Hyperledger Composer

How do I completely uninstall Hyperledger Composer (and underlying Hyperledger Fabric), including all dependencies, docker images and node/npm modules? I had followed the following setup while installing:…
Abhilash Kishore
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How do I deploy hyperledger fabric/composer in the cloud?

I've finished the Hyperledger Composer tutorial and successfully deployed/run it locally (with composer-rest-server). Now I want to deploy it (eg. Google Cloud) so that I can show it to external people, but I feel confused about what to do now and…
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Hyperledger fabric v1.0: multiple orderers

I'm currently working on a POC using hyperledger fabric + composer. I am somewhat confused when it gets to the consensus mechanism between orderers. From what i understand reading the documentation, hyperledger currently only supports SOLO and…
1 answer

Using passport-http on Hyperledger composer REST API

I would like to know if it is possible to use passport-http to secure the REST API of Hyperledger Composer generated with the composer-rest-server and what would be the export COMPOSER_PROVIDERS='{}' configuration. The idea is to use the identities…
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3 answers

How to properly restart Hyperledger Fabric?

I haven't found any indication about how to completely restart hyperledger fabric and all the docker containers after rebooting the computer. In particular, I have this containers: $ docker container ls -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE …
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Hyperledger Composer - Participants and peers

I recently started trying to grasp the concepts of Hyperledger Composer. Based on what I understand, Hyperledger Composer is just a layer on top of Hyperledger Fabric with the purpose of simplifying how things are done. The confusion came when I…
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2 answers

Composer network install: ERROR no valid responses from any peers

I'm working on the hyperledger blockchain on Ubuntu 18-04 LTS via this tuto . I have installed all the pre-requisites and in this step of running "composer network install", I faced…