I am a java developer and i have started learning hyperledger fabric . I am trying to do the setup for fabric node setup . I am not sure how to install cryptogen tool .

Please help me .

Robert Ravikumar
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2 Answers2


For Linux users: The installation process of binaries tools for Hyperledger Fabric is captured in the download platform-specific binaries section.

You need to run:

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/fabric/release/scripts/bootstrap-1.0.0.sh | bash

It will download required files. Make sure you have all prerequisite installed and configured as well.

For MacOSX users: you can also use Homebrew to install the Hyperledger Fabric binaries:

brew tap hyperledger/fabric
brew install fabric-tools

In case you are working with source code base you can simply compile it with

make cryptogen

it will be available at ./build/bin/cryptogen folder

Artem Barger
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This is a workaround and works only when you have Fabric installed into you Go workspace, but works like a charm.

Go to your Bash profile and add following line:

export PATH="$HOME/Go/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/.build/bin:$PATH"

In other words, you are linking the Fabric crypto tools that are located in the .build/bin/ that they are:

  • chaintool
  • configtxgen
  • cryptogen

after that you will be able to use these tools directly. But remember that they will won't work anymore if you will move o remove the hyperledger/fabric folder into you Go workspace.

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