Questions tagged [hyperledger-composer]

Hyperledger Composer (previously Fabric Composer) provides a layer of abstraction on top of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain for building business applications. Please use this tag for questions relating to the use of Hyperledger Composer, but not general Hyperledger Fabric questions. Defects in Hyperledger Composer should be reported as GitHub issues.

Hyperledger Composer provides a layer of abstraction on top of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Developers can design in terms of business networks, participants, identity, assets, registries, transactions, events and links, in contrast to the low level abstractions of chaincode and key-value stores.

The composer modelling language makes it easy for developers to model the specific nature of their business domains. The interactive web Playground allows them to author and test these models, and then create domain specific APIs for developers building applications.

Developers can use Composer tools to create applications which exploit these APIs, and create loopback connectors which provide connectivity between the blockchain and their existing systems.

We're keen to build a community so please take a look!


Hyperledger Composer is a node.js framework available under the Apache-2 license. Hosted in github, using Travis-ci and npm.

Getting Started

Our getting started guide will help you install Hyperledger Composer, define and deploy a business network and start to integrate the network with applications.



Update Aug 29th 2019: Hyperledger Composer has been deprecated. Please see the README for more information.

1895 questions
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Can you look at your certificate authorities database to see what users are enrolled in it?

I'm just wondering if there is any way to look at your certificate authorities database to see what users are enrolled in it? Is there any UI or anything to access it?
1 answer

Chaincode using GO or Composer

I understand that chaincode(smart contracts) on hyperledger-fabric can be written using golang. But the other thing I see as of fabric 1.0 is the composer - where I could write the 'transactions' part using JS. Is the difference that go APIs give me…
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how to access the 'eventEmitted' field in transaction history of hyperledger fabric

I am working on hyperledger fabric.I want to access the 'eventEmitted' field in transaction history of hyperledger fabric. /*transaction history*/ "transactionType": "com.acn.hps.aops.ims.addingEvidence", "eventsEmitted": [ { "$class":…
2 answers

Access Control of hyperledger composer

I am a beginner with hyperledger composer, I am not clear with ACL (access control) in hyperledger composer. Sorry, if my question have problem. Why we need ACL? When we use it? Where we use it?
Dara Sok
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Ability to use participant identity created with Composer CLI to launch composer rest server

I have created participants using the node CLI and Business Network Connection. I have also assigned them with an identity. Now; is it possible to use this identity to launch the composer-rest-server as this participant? E.g. could this be turn into…
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Hyperledger Composer: Error: Error trying to ping. Error: Error trying to query business network. Error: Connect Failed

I'm following this link: Hyperledger Composer Queries Tutorial to update an existing business network. Till step:3 everything working fine for me. But whenever I am executing step:4 (2) command I'm getting some error. This is the error: Error:…
1 answer

Hyperledger Composer REST API Call failed at some variables from concept

I have in my asset "AirPollution" some concept e.g "CarbonMonoxide". But if i call rest-composer-server in terminal, it gives me some error: REST server error Here my code snippet: asset AirPollutionData identified by airPollutionDataId { o…
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How to start realising secure multi party computation with blockchain

I would like to realise some secure multi party algorithms with a blockchain. Simple stuff like: Bob is sending a value to alice, alice is adding 5 and at the end everyone will get the result... I found alot of Blockchain frameworks but I think,…
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Error face following tutorial on REST persistent data Store on Hyperledger composer I am setting this up in a AWS ec2 environment.Everything works fine till I tried doing a multi-user mode. I am facing this issue where I had setup the mongoldb persistent data store following the tutorials. Here is my…
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“Error: could not find chaincode” occurs when execute composer runtime install

We're thinking about migration from Hyperledger Composer v0.13.0 to the latest one (v0.16.5), so I have tried to create and deploy business network according tutorial below. …
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Composer REST server authentication

I want to start composer-rest-server with multiuser property. But for this I need to setup authentication. I just find an example of auth by github passport strategy. So my question is: is it possible, and if yes how, to setup my custom passport…
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How to connect to existing hyperledger network

I am trying to deploy a business network archive (.bna) file to an existing hyperledger fabric network. I have started the network using the fabric samples/first-network as a hyperledger network by following the guide…
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Hyperledger Composer with javascript

I am a beginner with hyperledger composer. I want to retrieve data from server such as AJAX that use it in javascript file of hyperledger composer. How can I achieve it? below, it is example from w3school that I use in script file of hyperledger…
Dara Sok
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2 answers

Create Card through composer-rest-server

I am able to add participant using composer-rest-api and it is possible to upload card through composer-rest-api by rest API wallet. Is it possible to create Card through composer-rest-api? I checked this answer Hyperledger Composer Web application…
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Not able to add all elements of an array of new resources to the registry

I am trying to add all the elements of an array to the registry on composer-playground using getParticipantRegistry().addAll() but it is adding just the first two elements to the registry not all the elements of the array. There are 4 elements in…
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