Questions tagged [hyperledger-composer]

Hyperledger Composer (previously Fabric Composer) provides a layer of abstraction on top of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain for building business applications. Please use this tag for questions relating to the use of Hyperledger Composer, but not general Hyperledger Fabric questions. Defects in Hyperledger Composer should be reported as GitHub issues.

Hyperledger Composer provides a layer of abstraction on top of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Developers can design in terms of business networks, participants, identity, assets, registries, transactions, events and links, in contrast to the low level abstractions of chaincode and key-value stores.

The composer modelling language makes it easy for developers to model the specific nature of their business domains. The interactive web Playground allows them to author and test these models, and then create domain specific APIs for developers building applications.

Developers can use Composer tools to create applications which exploit these APIs, and create loopback connectors which provide connectivity between the blockchain and their existing systems.

We're keen to build a community so please take a look!


Hyperledger Composer is a node.js framework available under the Apache-2 license. Hosted in github, using Travis-ci and npm.

Getting Started

Our getting started guide will help you install Hyperledger Composer, define and deploy a business network and start to integrate the network with applications.



Update Aug 29th 2019: Hyperledger Composer has been deprecated. Please see the README for more information.

1895 questions
8 answers

Angular Compilation Warnings with Angular Material Declarations

I've experiencing a bunch of warnings when trying to compile after installing Angular Material (whether directly from npm or via ng add @angular/material and whether I choose to use the animations or not). It use to work without any warning or…
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Difference between hyperledger composer and hyperledger fabric?

I am java developer and new to hyperledger. I am interested in learning it and need to know where to start . fabric vs composer?
4 answers

Understanding Various Certificates in Hyperledger fabric

Hello I am tryin to use hyperledger fabric for a block chain implementation. I did the first-network demo and found lot of certificates in it. I have tried arranging them hierarchically in below picture. I Have some questions related to them Why…
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How to use passport-local to authenticate in composer rest server

I want to use passport-local to authenticate user to login into composer rest server like other passport strategies ( e.g passport-github,passport-google). So first I try to set COMPOSER_PROVIDER variable like this "local": { "provider":…
Hiroe N
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measuring Hyperledger Composer performance using Hyperledger Caliper

Is it possible to measure Hyperledger composer network performance which runs on Hyperledger fabric using Hyperledger Caliper framework? If yes can you guide me how can I change the configuration to connect Caliper to running Hyperledger composer…
3 answers

What are reasons for the deprecation of Hyperledger Composer?

Hyperledger Composer is a platform for accelerating the development process of Business Network Application. Why is it deprecated and what are the alternatives to composer for development of BNAs?
1 answer

Hyperledger Fabric Composer - restricting access rights of system administrators

My question is on access control in hyperledger fabric composer. Assume you have a business network, in which you have the following participants: Sellers (Potential) Buyers A seller is an employee of a company that sells products to a buying…
3 answers

Error: Cannot find module './api' (Hyperledger composer)

After installing Hyperledger Composer cli from this page, I tried to call composer command but got this error: module.js:549 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module './api' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:547:15) at…
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2 answers

Attempt to achieve high throughput in Hyperledger Fabric network

Hyperledger community in the article Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains shows that Fabric achieves end-to-end throughput of more than 3500 transactions per second in certain popular deployment…
3 answers

How to restart the fabric composer without losing the existing data?

I have tried "carauction-network" example in my local. But when I am starting the network by using "" file, it is removing the Couch DB & again creating Couch DB, due to this old data are getting lost. Please suggest how we can start…
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What does Hyperledger composer do .Does that create chaincode for fabric or something else?

I have been working on hyperledger fabric for some time. But I don’t understand where hyperledger composer comes in place . I do understand that it helps in visualizing the logic and transaction. But what I don’t get is how do you integrate it with…
Paras Jain
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4 answers

When trying to issue an identity, it says my CA does not exist

I'm trying to issue an identity by composer identity issue -p hlfv1 -n bonusetis -i PeerAdmin -s password -u perelluis -x true -a perelluis But I get Error: fabric-ca request register failed with errors [[{"code":0,"message":"CA 'ca_peerOrg1'…
10 answers

Hyperledger Composer v0.16.0 network start error

I'm trying Hyperledger Composer v0.16.0. According to this procedure, I want to Deploy BNA to Fabric network on cloud. but following error occurs. Kindly let me know how I can solve it. command: composer network start --card PeerAdmin@myfabric…
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MVCC_READ_CONFLICT when submitting multiple transactions concurrently

I have a conceptual question. I'm performing async requests to Composer REST and I'm getting message: 'error trying invoke chaincode. Error: Peer has rejected transaction \'552b42fa4d2cfd366ff1b7d01371878f53f7553b44f141187c6db86b75f68906\' with cdoe…
Dan Selman
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Why does hyperledger-fabric need more than one orderer?

I have several questions: Why does hyperledger network need more than one orderer node? If I understand correctly, after nodes validate the transactions, they pass those transactions to an orderer node. orderer node will timestamp those…
Nika Kurashvili
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