Questions tagged [hudson]

Hudson is an extensible continuous integration server written in Java and capable of running on Linux, OS X and Windows.

In early 2011, Hudson was forked into the Hudson and Jenkins projects after a trademark dispute with Oracle.
Hudson remains an open source project, now governed by the Eclipse Foundation, with Oracle being the primary contributor.

The majority of Hudson users, core and plugins developers switched to Jenkins (tag: ).

Hudson has a wide variety of plugins that integrate external tools and source control systems, provide build reports and analytics, and customize build behaviours.

It is common to configure a Hudson installation to run build slaves on several machines in order to build on different platforms, or to provide load balancing.

2659 questions
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Lock Source file in Perforce while using Maven release plugin

I got an error in Hudson console out saying the build fail because Maven release plugin cannot update POM.xml version while there are still unresolved files. The problem is caused by other people updating the POM during the build. Can any guru…
1 answer

How to delay a Hudson build until its dependencies are built?

Our build consists of two projects, a library project and a web front end project that depends on the library project. The Hudson jobs are configured from the maven pom.xml files and the dependency appears on Hudson as downstream/upstream project.…
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Hudson .jelly files edit not reflected

I edited a few .jelly files for Hudson, but it's not reflected. How do I restart Hudson ? I hope that this will display the HTML tag changes made in the .jelly files. I am trying to change the look and feel of the Hudson.
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Run node.js on a hudson server

i need to point a hudson server at a svn repo and run npm install and npm run I know there is a plugin for jenkins to do this but is there anything for hudson? Thanks in advance
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Unable to run a .bat file from java code using Jenkins

I have java class that contains the following code: Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start utils\"+scriptNameWithoutSpace+"\runScript.bat"); and it is working smoothly if I run it from eclipse, or from ANT or from Hudson, but if I try to run the…
Pritam Sharma
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4 answers

How does Hudson work standalone on Linux?

I need to know the mechanisms and flow for starting up Hudson, so I can figure out what's wrong. When you type in nohup java -jar $HUDSON_WAR > $HUDSON_LOG 2>&1 & (using real values for those variables, of course), what exactly happens? I've been…
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1 answer

how does Hudson generate a job config.xml?

I need your help ! I want to know how do Hudson generate a job's config.xml? I explain: I want to add in my application a hudson-like build tool, to do this, a user will have, like in Hudson's GUI, define some parameters like path to jdk, where the…
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Jenkins + populate changes from last build

I am using svn and git as my source code repository and Jenkins for build. In a single job I need to checkout sources from different repositories (svn & git) and from different paths. Hence I use a customized script for checking out the code from…
Dipu H
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2 answers

Hudson jobs and slave node are missing after an upgrade

Where and how are Hudson jobs and slave information stored? I accidentally canceled a Hudson upgrade today. It wouldn't permit me to continue the upgrade; only to downgrade to the previous version and then upgrade again. After I downgraded, the two…
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1 answer

Can I use ivy dependency info in my ant build file

In my ivy.xml file I have dependency statements like: 'rev=' can be a fixed value or 'latest' or…
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Jenkins, read information from another job

I have a job "Project-A" in Jenkins which runs every 1 hour. I have another job "Project-B" which runs once in a day. When the job "Project-B" is triggered, I will pass "project-A" name as parameter, it will read the last successful build…
Dipu H
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2 answers

How to build and deploy to Windows Azure using Powershell and Hudson?

I am looking at getting a continuous integration/continuous deployment environment set up for my windows azure project and I was wondering if anyone had managed to (can point me in the right direction to) build and deploy a windows azure cloud…
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1 answer

hudson.AbortException: No files found in path with configured filemask: output.xml

I was running a RobotFramework script using Jenkins and everything was working fine until I accidentally wiped out my current workspace. I don't know how to restore it and now I'm getting the following error: Robot results publisher…
Emily Zhai
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4 answers

how to make stable release in using Maven and SVN

we are having about 100 maven artifacts in our java based project. these artifacts categorize under 5 different products. obviously some of them are shared between products. the problem is that, if you tag a product in svn for a release. the tag is…
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2 answers

Cannot compute absolute URL when generating Allure report with plugin in Jenkins

Cannot generate Allure report in Jenkins after test execution. Get such error in console output: > ERROR: Build step failed with exception > java.lang.IllegalStateException: Root URL isn't configured yet. Cannot > compute absolute URL.…
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