Questions tagged [http-status-code-500]

Use for questions where the server throws 500 Internal Server Error and the server is not in your control. For servers in your control, look through the server logs to pinpoint the actual problem

The 500 Internal Server Error is a catch-all error code that can mean literally anything. Instead, look through server logs, etc and try to pinpoint the actual problem and tag it accordingly.

The relevant section of the HTTP protocol:

More information about codes returned from IIS 7:

547 questions
7 answers

The localhost page isn’t working localhost is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

I know that there is some 500 Internal Server Error when is see this page, The localhost page isn’t working localhost is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 I have already set the variables display_errors: On and…
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2 answers

azure error 502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server

I'm trying to host an azure website and tried troubleshooting for a few hours, but still keep getting the same error 502 Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server. I tried enabling logging errors on azure, but…
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1 answer

When should I return HTTP Status Code 500 (Internal Server Error) from REST application to client?

I have seen people using the HTTP code 500 as a generic error code for all kind of error cases (server errors, http errors, code exceptions, expected record not found in DB, time-out exceptions etc). However I have also read and heard that this code…
2 answers

Facebook graph API response size limiting (error code 1)

Just sharing some information I came across while testing my application. Facebook Graph API implements rate limiting as described on their documentation page. Today I was trying to retrieve the feed from CNN facebook page and I got the following…
1 answer

How to use Scrapy with both Splash and Tor over Privoxy in Docker Compose

I'm trying to run a Scrapy spider with two 'extensions': Splash for rendering JavaScript, Tor-Privoxy to provide anonymity. As an example, I'm using the scraper of in…
Kurt Peek
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3 answers

Docker for windows - Internal server error

I am having a problem when running one of my solutions in Docker Desktop for Windows. I use the following dockerfile: # escape=` FROM microsoft/iis SHELL ["powershell", "-command"] # Install ASP.NET RUN Install-WindowsFeature…
1 answer

.htaccess error - ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

I have this .htaccess file to redirect http:// to https:// I also did www. to root domain redirection! www. to root domain works! however https:// redirection doesn't! If I set RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on to RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off or RewriteCond…
1 answer

Keycloak returns 500 / NPE URI in Spring on Docker container

I have a problem with Keycloak on my Ubuntu server. Register and login works fine. But when I try to make any request to the spring application by user bearer token, keycloak returns me 500 - Internal server error in Swagger. (Everything on…
3 answers

Getting 500 server error with Laravel 5.7 on Windows

I have cloned repo from git, and made composer install. Then I am starting a server, but every time I get 500 server error. Also, I tried to create a new project with composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog and this project…
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1 answer

Azure MobileApp Controller returns 500 only if return type is IQueryable

My azure mobile app backend is presenting a strange behavior. If my controller action returns an IQueryable and the entity type has a navigation property, it returns 500. A simple example: Model public class ProductHierarchy : EntityData { …
2 answers

Django Internal Server 500 Error AWS Elastic-Beanstalk issue

How do I fix the Django Internal Server 500 error on an AWS eb deployed application? Do I need to change my allowed hosts in my file to have the ip address of the ec2 in elasticbeanstalk? # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in…
3 answers

Why does a request that exceeds a specified maxRequestLength respond with a (seemingly) irrelevant error?

I've specified a maxRequestLength in my web.config (MVC) like so: When having a look in the network tab while testing for…
1 answer

Status 500 "Error: Could not handle the request" for every other request

I have made a Flutter app and just started using Cloud Functions to send push notifications to other phones. I got the Cloud Function to work by calling it with an API call, that is, the message is sent and I get the response code 200. But funnily…
5 answers

wordpress website 500 error and outages due to cplugin.php file malware

There is a recent attack where numerous wordpress websites are taken down due to a file cplugin.php which is a malware. The malware is bad written code so for now it is mostly causing 500 server runtime error. But its better to delete it immediately…
Mustafa sabir
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Google Script App Fails in Incognito Mode

I have a simple Google Script published as a web app with anonymous access. The code is available here and the web app is available here. function doGet() { return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("index").setTitle("Google…
Amit Agarwal
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