Questions tagged [http-status-code-500]

Use for questions where the server throws 500 Internal Server Error and the server is not in your control. For servers in your control, look through the server logs to pinpoint the actual problem

The 500 Internal Server Error is a catch-all error code that can mean literally anything. Instead, look through server logs, etc and try to pinpoint the actual problem and tag it accordingly.

The relevant section of the HTTP protocol:

More information about codes returned from IIS 7:

547 questions
2 answers

.htaccess Redirect "/" to non "/" is 500 internal server error

Google has indexed my old URLs that no longer exist. For example, when someone clicks on the old link from Google search, there will be shown a 500 server error. My old URL was, which has recently changed to…
1 answer

Intermittent problems starting Azure App Services: "500.37 ANCM Failed to Start Within Startup Time Limit"

Our app services are experiencing the problem, that they can’t be restarted by the hosting environment (ANCM). The user is getting the following screen in that case: Http Error 500.37 Our production subscription consists of up to 8 different app…
0 answers

opencart error "mod_fcgid: stderr" on extension-modification refresh

im trying to setup a new theme on opencart i copied theme files and when i refresh admin->modification i get HTTP ERROR 500 i checked my PHP log and it is showing [Fri Jul 24 14:46:24.728945 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 25558] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr:…
Wasif Khalil
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how to fix 500 response code error in Retrofit Android Studio

I am facing problem implementing the POST RETROFIT in openrouteservices maps to get round route. Attached photo below is the error log.Enter image description here This is my API Interface Call getRoundCoordinates( …
1 answer

Launch webapp and google give me an error

I made a webapp in apps script google. I deployed it with "Execute the app as:" => 'Me', and "Who has access to the app:" => 'Anyone, even anonymous' Everything worked well till 2 two days ago. Since, I have this error message (in french) when my…
1 answer

errorBody with retrofit2 and kotlin

I am trying to get the error returned by a service (when starting with invalid credentials) rest api but for some reason errorBody does not catch it from my answer. The correct answer I receive without problems but when I get an error I can't solve…
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NodeJS Azure Function returns status 500 even after I override res.status

I have an Azure Function App v2 in NodeJS that returns status 500 even if I override the property res.status. The code is as follows: module.exports = async (context, req) => { ... try { const data = await myfunc(body) context.res…
1 answer

bitbucket - git push,clone,pull got error 500

my git server is on standalone network. Yesterday I increased my server space and after that I didn't have any access to the files in bitbucket. I can't do push, clone, pull... nothing. When I click on any repository on bit bucket I got error 500,…
2 answers

Symfony 4 Internal Server Error : Context visitingStack not working well

I am developing my rest api with symfony 4, after authentication and getting token I tried to request an endpoint which return logged in user 's information which it return 500 error whose message is: "message": "Context visitingStack not working…
1 answer

Internal Server Error when running Flask App

Really appreciate your help! I am a beginner to Flask, playing with it to build out APIs. When executing the below code snippet and run the code in vs-code terminal, it appears to run the app on However, when I…
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HTTP error 500 when importing additional files for a Python Azure function app

I am currently modifying the code from this tutorial, and am trying to import an additional file to __init__ "". Below is my current code within the __init__ file. import logging import testsdk import azure.functions as func def…
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Trying to use dev mode with GAS doPOST

I'm trying to test my apps script doPost function, with postman. so far I have: function doPost(e) { var id = '1L_U7MhmV............................' SpreadsheetApp.openById(id).getSheetByName('responses').appendRow([new Date()]); var params =…
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocatorFactory.creat - Jersey

I am making first simple RESTFul API to my project and I am using Maven. Frist, I created the maven archetype jersey-quickstart-webapp with default API. I've added my files, added dependencies. However when I use API URL:…
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Server error 500 when executing simple "Hello, world" in Python XAMPP

I am trying to execute this code: #!C:\python-3.7.0-embed-amd64\python.exe print('Content-type: text/html\r\n') print('\r\n') print('Hello, World!') and I got this error: Server error! The server encountered an internal error and was unable to…
Nadin Martini
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Custom 500 php page for wordpress

I am currently in the process of creating a custom 500 page for a wordpress website. I manually break the site using this in the header: in the .htaccess I have this: ErrorDocument 500 /wp-content/500.php I had…
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